Old Priest Predicts The Rapture To Occur On May 21st, 2011

Thing is, no one knows when it’ll happen. it states in the bible that no man will know the hour or the day. So when the prediction came up, I had my doubts.

Oh man, 2012, don’t remind me guys, I do NOT want to hear about people who commit suicide over it or something. Which is pretty possible in some cases.

I did hear something about people believing the world can be predicted on the basis of the season which is I think actual biblical canon.

Its the time and date which is not what they’re able to predict.

Of course the thing is what do they mean by season- the actual autimn, spring etc. rainy/dry season for some countries? Or could that be considered simply a random term for a period of time? Also of course shockingly, english translations, which are translations upon translations ad nauseum aren’t perfect.

The rapture predictions are rather horrible though especially if whole families believe in a specific date or year even. For instance in 1988 apparently there was a prediction it would happen at some point that very year- it was believed in by a good number of christians in America.

Lots of stories of little kids coming home from school thinking their family had been taken if they just popped out of the house a few minutes and that they’d been left behind.

And having panic attacks.

Not just kids either.

I get why people try to do it in the first place- they want people to convert etc. Be “saved” and all before it’s “too late”. That’s the thing though, they really and truely believe in it and it’s the right thing to warn people after all if they do. But still to think of little kids crying and sobbing like that just because their parents are away from home for a few minutes after coming back walking from school is kind of heart breaking.

Granted, I guess they’d say a little trauma is worth it given what they truely believe will happen otherwise. Lesser of two evils and all that since they do think it’s true.

Still. Pretty horrible.

He is now sating the “Real” date is Oct 21, 2011, May 21st was a spiritual coming.

Oh, right, that…

Like I CARE!

Any time someone claims to know the future, the only real option for the sane is to ignore them. However, we Pixar geeks are not sane. We must make a mockery of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

If he has a can were he gets his money to end the rapture, i would put sanity in it…

So a person in the next town over was planning to put his dog to sleep, because of the rapture. I guess his reasoning was that since dogs can’t accept Christ, he’d rather have his dog die now then deal with 6 months in a fireball on Earth. (Which makes no sense, because by his reasoning, his dog would go to ‘Hell’ anyways).

Luckily his family called animal control and the dog was taken from him. They said they’d return the dog after the rapture was finished.

ANYWAY, May 21st was the most uneventful, boring day I’ve had in a long while.

Most boring huh EJE? I just treated it like any other day. It didn’t matter if he was right or not, I wanted to have fun with my family.

let’s see who else wants to sacrifice their dog on October 21st!

after May 21st, He will say something like, “I was wrong again, the “real” date and I mean for real this time is March 21st 2012.”

This reminded me of the time I attended a talk about euthanasia by a Catholic priest and I asked him in front of everyone what was his position on the ‘putting down of animals’. He simply said that we don’t use the same judgement system with animals. When I persisted with my line of enquiry, he simply answered because “they have no souls”.

Notwithstanding the rather blunt way he replied (he was clearly uncomfortable with the hypocrisy of his reasoning and eager to move on the next questioner), to hear this as someone who believes in the sanctity of life, human or otherwise. is simply insulting. :neutral_face: If one wishes to argue against assisted death for human beings, a double-standard shouldn’t be applied to animals. Besides, who’s to say that animals don’t believe in religion or higher deities? For all we know, they could, but we simply won’t know until we understand their language.

Anyway, this rather strange fellow has said that it will take place five months from now instead (as Pixarfan91 has already said). Kinda disappointed, to think I was watching episodes of MLP on the ‘last day of Earth’ last week.

This whole talk of the rapture and ‘end of days’ is not the right way to convince people to convert. The best way to persuade someone to your religion is to set a good example and be a good Christian/Muslim/Buddhist/Pastafarian, etc. Share your story with non-believers nicely, and if they don’t show interest or tell you to stop, don’t force the issue.

Raving about the rapture and ‘saving your souls’ is equivalent to having a ‘closing down sale’. And most of the time I see stores do it, they’re still in business weeks later.

I’m so glad i’m athiest, so i don’t have to feel so embarrassed for my ‘anti-religion’…

Oh my! That’s horrific! I was raised a Christian. And I am christian, as in I wish to follow the Commandments and be Christlike. However, I am not convinced on a Hell. Or perhaps Heaven. I’m religiously conflicted. I do believe there is a God. A Great Spirit. A heavenly being.

But ANYWAYS. I see it that all living things have a soul and are equal. All animals, humans, and plants are equal in the eyes of mother nature and the holy Father. They all breath, and live.

I also believe in God. But I don’t believe this man.

Neither do I, he is a a false prophet.

I’m glad no one minds my athiesm…

Personally, I think it would be incredibly rude for anyone to be bothered by your Atheism. It’s your choice, not theirs. :wink:

I’ve had ten years of Catholic school, and we never really touched on that until 5th grade. I remember everyone was horrified to hear that, and I still think about it every so often. It just seems weird that animals which pretty much mirror God’s goodness and beauty don’t have souls. I don’t know if this is against being Catholic or anything, but I do think there must be somewhere they go when they die. It’s too depressing to think that their life just ends when they die. My dog’s a good dog!

I wonder how may people will believe Oct 21st.

Wait, another prediction?