One sentence story game.

“membership of their team. She…”

Was so honored. "My…

“Mother need to give me permission though”, she said. Batman…"

“Told her to sign it anyway since she’s her own woman now. Jack Sparrow walked up and…”

“thought he could become a member. But Rapunzel beat him up, then he…”

“wiggled his fingers and cut out her hair, savvy? He then proceeded to…”

Batman. And said…

“You look like a bloody moron”. Batman then…"

Kicked him in the face and started fighting. "You…

“Wanna say that again.” He said in a bad tone, he tossed him in…"

“a pool of acid. Jack Sparrow was killed shortly. Superman told Batman …”

“He’s been dead before, you know? He’ll be back”. But Batman didn’t care and…"

“just walked away and disapeared into the night, then Superman decided to…”

“eat in a fancy restaurant, since he…”

“hadn’t eaten since they were first in Gotham. Rapunzel’s magic hair grew back, and much to Batman’s delight…”

“it was black now, which meant she could do better at stealth missions. On the other hand…”

“Superman was not impressed. Anyway,m they all headed South to…”

“Antarctic, where they decided to…”

“destroy Brainiac once and for all. Batman held him down, as Mr. Incredible smashed him into…”

“Brainiac’s liar. He wasn’t able to hold against Brainiac, so Superman had to help him and…”