One sentence story game.

“hadn’t to put much of a fight to defeat a machete welding lunatic, so…”

“They beat him and were extremely bored. Boredom…”

“made them fall asleep right there in the streets, and…”

“They almost got hit by a far, but it missed them and as a result had car hit after car. Then…”

“Kryponite floated to where Superman was standing. Superman…”

“felt pain, so his allies tried to remove him from the Kryptonite-infected area, but…”

“it was too late. Superman…”

“was dead… again. His partners decided to give him a proper burial and…”

“Give their farewells. Tears…”

“of magic from Rapunzel revived him. everyone was so…”

“shocked that a young woman had magic hair that it looked like that she went super saiyan. Then…”

“Rapunzel was offered group membership by Superman, Batman, and the Incredibles. She accepted, because…”

"She thought Batman was hot. She flerted with him and…’

“he liked it a lot. he kissed her, and she…”

“had an angry Flynn come after her. But Batman…”

Flew off with Rapunzel saving her from the angry Flynn. He…

“then eloped with Catwoman, and…”

“They watched Beauty and the Beast together. Rapunzel and Batman saw them so they…”

“Ran for cover. As she found she could use her hair like Medusa, so…”

“Flynn and Catwoman both turned to stone. Superman, Spiderman and Mr. Incredible were so impressed that they offered Rapunzel…”