One sentence story game.

“decided to form an alliance with the other heroes, and they decided that the leader should be…”

“Superman since he’s the most powerful. Mr Incredible had problems with this because…”

“He has back problems and eats a lot. Superman called…”

“his chiropractor, who fixed Mr. Incredible’s problem. The heroes then rushed to Gotham because…”

“The Joker was commiting murders. They…”

“captured and disposed of him, when…”

“The Green Goblin showed up. Pumpkin Bombs…”

“exploded everywhere. Superman and Mr. Incredible didn’t care much about them, but Batman got some bruises and…”

PS: I dreamed about this game today 8D

“lost of teeth. Then all 3 of them went to Taco Bell and…”

“apprehended the Green Goblin, and he dies of fear. Batman’s teeth grew back, when…”

“he went to a dentist to treat his problem. The doctor ordered him to rest, so he couldn’t…”

“Help the other superheroes, and he decided to retire from the fight. Lex Luthor and Doomsday…”

“were playing tennis nearby, when they spotted Superman and decided to…”

“Invite him and Ironman to play, they played and…”

Then /lex died. mr. incredible and batman sprung into action, saving Superman from…

“Doomsday, who wanted to kill him again. They decided they should play tennis in a safer place, so they went to…”

“the Parr’s vacation home in Mexico, where they ate…”

“so much that they got really fat. They…”

“were soon repaired by their super metabolisms, so they decided to return to Gotham to deal with…”

“an evil guitar player, whose guitar turned into a machete. They…”