One sentence story game.

“thought this was a stupid idea and didn’t allow him to. So he then left…”

“the franchise and destroyed his contract with Marvel. As a revenge, he wanted to play a DC character. He was cast as…”

“Robin in a new Batman triogy. He began to act like Robin 24/7 and…”

“lost all his friends for that reason. He then was fired…”

“from the Batman film because of his…”

“behavior being so annoying, he tried to kill …”

“the director, who was…”

“ready to fight back. Eventually the director…”

“got tired of him and…”

“tried to get him arrested. The director’s plan …”

“got foiled by Downey Jr, because he also”

“in the Batman movie. They then dressed like The Joker and Penguin and caused trouble, then…”

“the real Joker came and attacked them. They stood no…”

“…chance against them, until suddenly…”

I’m not going to lie, I’m not very good at this game…

“they blew up the set, destroying both sides of the quarrel. The responsible of the explosion was…”

“The Punisher. Ozzy Osbourne then walked into…”

“derelict set and decided he wanted to make an episode of his reality show from there. His family…”

“Thought that was a good idea. It would also star Glen Beck and Hilary Clinton. They…”

“shot it and it ended up being a very successful episode. Tony Iommi however thought it was a rubbish …”

“and demanded the series. He won the trial and the series…”