One sentence story game.

“flop, but Hugo 2 was successful enough. The Oscars…”

“nominated Hugo as Best Picture and Kingsley as Best Actor and. Another film that got nomintated was…”

“Monsters University. Ben Kinglsey actually won best actor, and to celebrate…”

“it, he dyed his bald head in a golden hue to match his bald Oscar. The…”

“Oscar’s thought it was great. He was soon chosen as Man of the Year and…”

“he got in the cover of Time and Life. The magazines…”

“talked about all that he achieved in his life so far. The bald dimension …”

“was celebrating the success of their bald leader. This was a motive of anger for…”

“the long-haired dimension. So they decided to…”

“send their leader to try to achieve a similar feat. Their leader was…”

“Robert Plant, who was already very successful with his Music. So he decided to act in…”

“a concert in our dimension to gain recognition by the magazines. The bald people found out their plan and came to foil it. Soon, there was a full scale war between long haired and bald people, with our dimension as setting. Some tried to stop it. It was…”

“Chaos. Then short hair dimension leader came to Kinglsey and Plant. The short haired leader was…”

“a pacifist, and he wanted the fighting to end. The warring leaders accepted, but just if…”

“They respected each other’s dimension. When they stopped the war, they…”

“returned to their respective dimensions. Everything went back to normal, except…”

"everyone on our dimension had their memory wiped out.

“Thus, nobody remembered Ben Kingsley’s victory at the Oscars, or Hugo 2 existence, so they had to held a new ceremony. This time…”

"Iron Man 3 won best picture and Robert Downey Jr. won best actor.

“Robert Downey Jr. then wanted to don a golden armor in Iron Man 4, which would resemble his Oscar statue. The producers…”