One sentence story game.

“decided to leave that dimension, but…”

“first he had to defeat Mxyzptlk. He tried to trick him into saying his name backwards by…”

“calling himself Namnori. He then meet this dimensions…”

“bald leader, Ben Kingsley, who…”

“Thought Ironman looked cool. He asked if he can try on the suit and…”

“Tony Stark refused, knowing it was a trick. He offered Kingsley a role in Iron Man 3 if he would let him escape the dimension, and…”

“Kingsley accepted, but had to be convinced. When Iron Man finally…”

“came back to his dimension, he told Robert Downey Jr. and Shane Black that Ben Kingsley had been promised a role in their next film. They decided to cast him as…”

“his own character (himself). They had to find a way to communicate this with kingsley, so they…”

“traveled to the Bald Dimension briefly, just to give Kingsley the date of the the…”

“film release. Kingsley started ro work on his role when…”

“Scorsese called on him to be on Hugo’s sequel. The schedules of both films coincided, so he decided to…”

“do the Iron Man film instead, which was a rather strange choice. They started shooting the film…”

“earlier than originally scheduled, so Kingsley was able to appear in Hugo’s sequel after all. He…”

“…loved starring in movies because…”

“he was an actor, after all. In Hugo’s sequel, he…”

“Was a main character that looked cool. He…”

“…however disliked the way he looked and demanded that…”

"he should look like he did on the first film, so as to grant continuity to the series. Scorsese agreed, and…W

“with that the deal was settled. Iron Man 3 was a …”