One sentence story game.

“Supergirl. Luthor laughed and laughed. He then got in a pod with Dr. Evil and…”

“flew to the moon. They decided to stop off at…”

“a McDonalds there and order some food. The clerk…”

“messed up the order. They put kepchup on Dr. Evils burger and he did not want any. So he…”

“forced the clerk to give him triple of what he ordered for free of course, this resulted in…”

“Dr. Evil eating more than he could. He exploded and…”

“Luthor was then left with all his equipment. This excited…”

“the attention of another person nearby. This individual was…”

“a Small-time hoodlum, who somehow had…”

“a deep scientific knowledge. He…”

“Was tall and wore baggy clothes. He went to the top college in his city and…”

“informed his gang about Luthor’s weaponry. They…”

“Then got together. They then informed other genius’s ariund the world like…”

“Lucius Fox and Emmet Brown. They wanted to get the technology and transform it from weapons to things useful for humanity, so…”

“they attempted to get it off Luthor, but alas…”

“just woulden’t give it up. Brown then…”

“got into his time machine and traveled to…”

“1778. Then…”

“Took George Washington. Washington wanted to drive the car so…”

“he took it and crashed it, since he had never used such a vehicle. The…”