One sentence story game.

“result was Alas deciding to leave that time. He next…”

“got to 1944, where he…”

“Tried to help Adolf Hitler. This…”

“was actually a plan to get close to him and then try to kill him, but…”

“Then he remembered you shoulden’t change the past. But he decided to anyway. He was aiming at him and then…”

“Hitler’s scientists were able to transport him to another time, so Brown ended up shooting at nothing. Hitler got to…”

“learn of this and decided he’d…”

“use this to get to a particular time. He choose…”

“2012. He wanted to see if the world was really going to end. He…”

“realized it didn’t end, so he wanted to bring the destruction himself. He…”

“tried to recreate everything predicted, but was stopped by…”

“Kyle from South Park. Hitler relized he was Jewish and…”

“became infuriated. He started to …”

“insult him, before being stopped by Captain America, who…”

“Tore off his mustance. He then put a dress on him. Hitler then…”

“frowned at yet another instance of drag. He then went to…”

“have a shower from what he considered filthy people. After his shower…”

“he decided his course of action. He was going to be chosen as the next president of…”

“the universe. But, Tintin…”

“got wise to his plan and was determined to foil it. He…”