One sentence story game.

“couldn’t accept that as an option. He opened fire against Stephanie Meyer and…”

“killed her. Everyone cheered but then hundreds of Twilight fans attack him and…”

“kill him with because they are secretly vampires. This in turn…”

“enraged Hitler’s fans, who attacked the vampires and wiped them from…”

“the face of the earth. Their next goal was to …”

…engage in attack on the X-men. But Xavier’s X-men…

“were too much for them. Jerry Seinfeld…”

“dedicated his program to the events, and it became the most watched episode of his show. People…”

“prefered to watch the Jerry Springer show instead. The audience thought…”

“it was a time to have a break from talk and reality shows, so they instead watched…”

“Planet Earth. Everyone was then hypnotized…”

“by the god Loki, who…”

“turned them all into mindless slaves. However there was one…”

“who was able to resist. That individual’s name was…”

“Joe Cranford. He was very…”

“shy to lead the rebellion against Loki, so he appointed Joan Crawford to act as the public face of the movement. The…”

“two shook hands went to a room to talk, they…”

“were interrupted by another member of the resistance, who was…”

“Matthew Park. He…”

“a blacksmith, and used his knowledge to forge weapons for…”