One sentence story game.

“the revolution side. They used them…”

“and soon Loki was defeated. They vanished him to…”

“The Twilight Zone, where he would see…”

“all episodes of that TV series. Also vanished there, was…”

“Barry Bonds, for being a cheater, they met each other and…”

“started talking about…”

“teaming up, but ended up killing …”

“the only escape way. Thus, they were stuck forever on the Twilight Zone, reading Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight forever. Meanwhile, on…”

“earth the revolutionists from before took a liking to John William’s film scores. They found…”

“his musical pieces had magical properties, and they soon defeated the entirety of Loki’s army while listening to Duel of the Fates. After the epic battle…”

“tried to find John Williams, however…”

“he was playing The Invisibility Cloak theme which had the power to actually become him untraceable. The…”

“revolution team eventually managed to find him and asked him…”

“to compose a song with the power to rebuild the world. He obliged and soon…”

“the world was perfect again. The humans stopped…”

“creating weaponry, which turned in trouble when extraterrestrial beings invaded the planet. Unarmed…”

“the humans tried to fight them off using their hands. This…”

“proved ineffective, so they had to come up with an alternative. Finally…”

“The humans defeated them by launching them to the sun, then…”

“The humans realized that if another invasion should be attempted, they need to have…”