One sentence story game.

“some kind of defence, so they were set to create a force shield. Finally, the task was achieved by…”

“Ron Fazon, a brilliant Scientist. Their next…”

“phase was to put the shield generator in orbit. They sent an astronaut…”

Up to do this. But the Astronaut…"

“was shot by…”

“Electro, who somehow was in outer space at the time. Electro…”

“took the shield generator device to his liar. To track him down, they sent…”

“Caption Falcon. He went in the ship to track him down and Falcon punch him. His sidekick was…”

“Photo Hawk. However, Electro defeated them both since they were merely a Caption and a Photo respectively. So…”

“it seemed like Electro would take over the world, until…”

“an hero emerged. It was Indiana Jones. He was able to defeat Electro and take the device from him. He then…”

" that he would take over the world and he…"

“would order the collection of all the world’s kiwis so he could…”

“own the largest private collection of flightless birds in the world. Meanwhile, NASA got hold of the deflector shield and they were able to put it in orbit. On other part of the planet…”

PS: I admit I got a little lost 8D

“it was clear humans had lost all hope. Indiana would…”

“help them, but there were snakes and he was afraid. The…”"

“end result was that the world exploded and all of Earth’s inhabitants died. Now we shift to another…”

“…man, a lone survivor of Earth traveling the stars whose name was Arthur Dent. He…”

“crash landed in an unknown planet, inhabited by intelligent apes. The…”

“apes made him a slave of theirs. He spent all his days…”