One sentence story game.

“Riding Hood saw how they fell through the cliff, opening the parachutes Obama’s Secret Service had given then when they assigned them the mission of…”

“self-defense, they were about to land when…”

“they noticed that there was a river at the bottom on the cliff, and that it…”

“would drown them. So they…”

“began to scream hysterically, but as they were about to hit the water…”

“A UFO beamed them up into their ship, Red then…”

ran and tried to jump in, but she couldn’t. She was…

“now falling to the river, and nobody saved her. Meanwhile, inside the UFO…”

“Exploded since the secret service had bombs, then…”

“the heroes took control of the cockpit and took the derelict spaceship to…”

PS: I think we should have special care with the redaction and spelling in this board, so that the story keeps being easy to follow and enjoyable.

The White House. The President …

“Put on his supersuit since he has superpower’s, then…”

“Obama, aka Frozone took the UFO to Area 51, where…”

“Villainous ice cream cones attacked the earth. However, eventually everyone was saved by…”

“the ghost of Sigmund Freud, who was passing by and…”

“had a Pokemon battle with Chuck Norris, Chuck won the battle and then…”

“he decided to track down Obama, for he wanted to…”

"See if America has made any progress. Obama …

“was also looking forward to clashing with Norris, so he…”

"found out Norris’s location. And…