One sentence story game.

“proved ineffective, since Docter liked his retirement. He was now enjoying his money in…”

an island in a city made out of cardboard boxes. Then…

“he decided to grow a moustache so his fans wouldn’t recognize him. This…”

“didn’t really work, as they still recognised him. So he decided to…”

“wear a Mission Impossible mask, which would disguise him much better. He used a mask that resembled…”

“Jim Phelps. This…”

“proved inconvenient since now his IMF team wanted him to lead a heist. The job consisted in…”

“things too complicated for Docter to understand. So he revealed his true self and…”

“the team decided to take him to headquarters to decide his fate. He…”

…then noticed the shadows of a team of Pixar friends, who were coming to save the day. Then…

Wait a minute! This story doesn’t make any sense! How about a much nicer, funnier story that doesn’t involve any of that stuff? You know, just everything Pixar. Mine would be much better than this one, let me tell you that. (That was my opinion. You know what? I don’t get it.) :open_mouth:

“…warg-riders attacked the base, and both teams had to escape. The orcs…”

Than ran to the nearest possible car, and then decided to…

“drive to Tangiers, where…”

They found a talking tree. They thought…

“it was an Ent, but…”

It was a talking flower! "Wow…

“the orc General exclaimed. He convinced his fellows to take the talking flower and move it to…”

their car. Where they…

“told the flower the truth about…”

her parents. 8D They are…