One sentence story game.

“shrinking violets from…”

"Mars, that mysteriously…

“disappeared when E.T. arrived to Earth during…”

World war II. The flower…

“became sad and asked them to help her find her parents and…”

To look after her. They…

“felt heartbroken, so they agreed. The…”

flower thanked them for their kindness, and…

“the search began. At first…”

they started at the place they found Violet (the flower), then they…

were attacked by transients. they then decided to…

“to look in a whole different place. The began in Austria, where…”

“ran into the Von Trapp family singers, who then…”

“made the hills alive with the sound of their music. The Nazis…”

I was just joking about them 8D

“chased after them with Marylin Monroe, who…”

How funny! I love coincidences 8D

“seemed confused at being there. It wasn’t surprising, since…”

“she was supposed to be a street walker, her new identity. She decided…”

“to play along and pretend she understood what was happening, something she excelled at doing since…”

“she was a really fake poser. they headed towards…”

“towards Iceland, but when they arrived there they forgot what they were supposed to do. Then Maria Von Trapp remembered that…”