One sentence story game.

“In the event, got eaten themselve, just then, The Red and Yellow M&M guys…”

“passed by the cannibals land, but they didn’t eat them since they were made of chocolate, and not human meat. Meanwhile…”

“Meryl Streep is on her killing spree. She…”

“arrived to the tribe and confronted Portman, but she had help from Batman and defeated Streep. Portman reverted back to a vegan, but the tribe ate Streep. Later one, Portman and Batman…”

“became married, and saught to save the world from…”

“The Bronies taking over the world, they faught hard and…”

“sent all of them to Arkham Asylum, but the stress from the fight made Portman want to divorce Batman. He…”

“got Robin to help him divorce, he was successful and Batman was a free man. Then…”

“Batman had a chat with Superman. They…”

“talked about married life, and in the end Superman decided to divorce Lois too. She…”

“Grabbed her and flew her to a dump and dropped her in it where she said she would get her revenge. Then…”

“Lois gained superpowers and attacked Superman. He…”

“didn’t see the attack coming and was easily defeated. Then, Lois…”

“Tryed to dispose of him, but Batman…”

“went to help him. Lois wasn’t sure if she could take them both at the same times, so she escaped to…”

“Canada, to where the Bronies(WHO ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE, DAVID) had hidden, and they…”

“were burnt by Lois’ Heat Vision. She then stopped to buy a coffee in…”

“a little coffee shop called Java the Hutt, where Lois was killed tragically and irreversibly by…”

“a mystery murderer. Miss Marple, who was knitting on a corner of the coffee shop, got up to investigate the crime and she determined that…”

“she herself, had no hope of escaping, when…”