Pixar Custom DVD Covers

Ooops. It was the pretty pictures that distracted me… I look forward to future DVD covers from iCoty in any case.

WOW! Those are really cool, iCoty!
They do remind me a bit of Apple, with the white background and the simplicity that makes it look so clean. It’d be cool if Pixar released alternate covers like this on the Blu-Ray but I don’t see that happening.
Anyways, good, I mean, great job and welcome to Pixar Planet!

iCoty: First off, welcome aboard the Pixar Planet Forums. Second, I am totally impressed by it. So clever, so creative. Really nice. Keep up the good work.

Thanks again fella’s, I will be posting Ratatouille and A Bug’s Life soon, hopefully in a few days.

Oooh, cool. :sunglasses:

You’ve got me wanting to try something like that with a couple of my favorite films. Some covers I’ve seen for movies aren’t so great.

These are awesome, iCoty! That’s a very interesting idea in the first place, designing your own DVD covers, and I love how sleek all the Pixar ones are.

Thanks for the feedback guys! I’ll be posting covers for Ratatouille and Antz in the near future…hopefully by tomorrow :wink:

Hey, if you want to check out some of my other covers please feel free to checkout my site:


It has a ton of other custom covers available for download and in hi-resolution ready for print. They’re all in the Download Gallery.

iCoty - Those are actually quite nice and luxurious-looking, iCoty! I wouldn’t mind having one of those covers myself to strap onto the backs of my Pixar DVD collection. (I do agree with rachel, however, in that it is kind of unnerving to see both Pixar and DreamWorks DVDs/covers side-by-side. Heheh.)

Great job! I look forward to the A Bug’s Life and Ratatouille covers. :wink:

– Mitch

Icoty, I checked the link. I have to say, very impressive. I also look forward toward the Ratatouille and Antz ones.

Here’s Ratatouille!

Hey there Mitch, yes, I do have the hi-res suitable for printing versions available. Send me a PM and we can figure out how I can get them to you. They’re about 2-3 MB each in size.


Edited. I combined both of your posts. – Mitch

very cool! I love the simplicity of the Pixar ones! Just having the main characters up against a white background makes it simple, yet graphically pleasing. Reminds me of some movie posters I’ve seen. I always did like the simplest ones best :slight_smile: The ones where every character is jammed in dont always look good to me.

iCoty - Cool! I’ll consider sending you a PM in due time. Great work on the Ratatouille cover, by the way! It looks awesome.

– Mitch

Icoty: The ratatouille one looks rally impressive. I like it a lot. Keep it up there!

And here’s A Bug’s Life!

iCoty - Wonderful! In fact, I think I favor your version of the A Bug’s Life DVD cover than the official thing itself.

My apologies in that I have not yet sent you a private message regarding the Ratatouille cover you created. I shall endeavor to do so as soon as I find the time.

– Mitch

Looks great, iCoty!

Hey icoty. I really like it. The ABL one looks really nice.

Thanks guys, glad you like em’! I guess now we just wait to see Wall-E!

BTW, this set has expanded to include Digital Animation films in general…there’s nearly 40 in the set now, but I’ve only posted the Pixar and some of the Dreamworks stuff…so if you all want to see the others let me know!

WALL•E! WALL•E! WALL•E! :smiley:

iCoty: I can’t wait to see more from ya.