pixar obsession!

Here is one. How many Pixar Movie quizzes have you taken to see how much you know about your

favorite Pixar movie?

The Star Swordsman - Nice


I’m not exactly sure how many quizzes I have taken, although I’m pretty sure that I have taken

at least five or more. I remember taking a “Which Toy Story Chararacter Are You?” test on the

Toy Story 2 dvd (second disc), and I came out as Jessie…which I’m very happy to

say. (snigger) As for the “How Much Do You Know?” tests concerning Pixar’s films, I’m not sure how

many of those I’ve taken. Several, at least. I usually complete them with full marks. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll have to

search around the internet for more Pixar-related quizzes…

I have taken a lot of Incredibles quizzes. BUt still, I feel like I am missing out on a

couple. I must continue searching too.

I am going to bring this discussion

back to life now.

So we all heard of youtube right? Here is a question to people who uses it. How many

times have you guys did a Pixar Youtube video search? It could be pixar, or any other reference to it.

I have done searches on people playing Pixar scores on

the piano a number of times. I like seeing Pixar songs played on the piano…

More to the topic: My Pixar

obsession changes every once and a while. It used to be the Toy Story movies, then it was all Pixar movies in

general and their future projects, but right now it is The Incredibles and Ratatouille.

But one of the

good things about moving from movie to the next, is that you can go back later and sort of re-watch it with a

different eye, than when you were really obsessed over it. =)

Haha, I just had to comment a little on this. I did the TS2 quiz on the DVD backward, and tried to get a certain character instead of what my own personality was. I got Woody, Jessie, Buzz, Rex and Zurg on the first try. I think Hamm and Potato head were a little harder, and I think I got them on the second try.

I don’t own many pixar DVDs, but I watch my Toy Story ones at least once every couple months front to back. This includes both the bonus discs. Sometimes I’ll watch the Spanish versions too, since I know a bit. It’s a whole different experience! I hope to one day get to see more clips of the Japanese dub, but I have no idea where I’d get it.

As far as collecting goes, I don’t really own any of the toys, etc, because I’ve never really liked the way they looked outside of the movies. What I do collect is screencaps, TV blurbs, comics, a few books, other visuals and lately trying to get most of the openings of BLoSC. I even finally managed to find and burn my footage of the 2000 Oscars where the characters introduce the nominees onto DVD.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many good videos on YouTube. :cry:

The Wandering - Heheh. Yeah, I’ve done the same thing several times myself, actually. I will attempt to get a certain character by selecting the options that seem to suit that character’s personality and tastes. It’s kinda fun… :wink:

You KNOW who I’m obsessed with. :smiley:



And Toy Story… But Mainly Cars.

Okay NikCHik11. Here are some cars for you.


I thought we was talking bout Pixar movies… :S

I’m obsessed with those too, but you know what I meant! :slight_smile:

cars cars cars cars cars cars cars luigi and guido <3 cars cars cars cars cars cars luigi and guido cars cars cars … yeah and ratatouile a little

TSS- OMG!!! There’s a ferrari in that cars picture!!! A real Ferrari!!! faints

lg4life- You’re crazy! :laughing:

JK! JK! Lolz

Well, your in good company NikChik! :wink:

D: Well then…

Lolz, jk… I know I’m a nut. :wink:

:laughing: Lol. TSS!

Yesh… Let’s welocme the new person!
(points to NikChik-11)

Sorry, I couldn’t resist! Ha, I am so funny.


Heehee. That DOES feel good. ;-p


Good to get that off your chest, huh, PV? :wink:

I’m not really obsessed with any Pixar character, but I might after watching Ratatouille. :wink:

I think I know what you mean…

