pixar obsession!

Haha, I just had to comment a little on this. I did the TS2 quiz on the DVD backward, and tried to get a certain character instead of what my own personality was. I got Woody, Jessie, Buzz, Rex and Zurg on the first try. I think Hamm and Potato head were a little harder, and I think I got them on the second try.

I don’t own many pixar DVDs, but I watch my Toy Story ones at least once every couple months front to back. This includes both the bonus discs. Sometimes I’ll watch the Spanish versions too, since I know a bit. It’s a whole different experience! I hope to one day get to see more clips of the Japanese dub, but I have no idea where I’d get it.

As far as collecting goes, I don’t really own any of the toys, etc, because I’ve never really liked the way they looked outside of the movies. What I do collect is screencaps, TV blurbs, comics, a few books, other visuals and lately trying to get most of the openings of BLoSC. I even finally managed to find and burn my footage of the 2000 Oscars where the characters introduce the nominees onto DVD.

Unfortunately, there aren’t many good videos on YouTube. :cry:

The Wandering - Heheh. Yeah, I’ve done the same thing several times myself, actually. I will attempt to get a certain character by selecting the options that seem to suit that character’s personality and tastes. It’s kinda fun… :wink:

You KNOW who I’m obsessed with. :smiley:



And Toy Story… But Mainly Cars.

Okay NikCHik11. Here are some cars for you.


I thought we was talking bout Pixar movies… :S

I’m obsessed with those too, but you know what I meant! :slight_smile:

cars cars cars cars cars cars cars luigi and guido <3 cars cars cars cars cars cars luigi and guido cars cars cars … yeah and ratatouile a little

TSS- OMG!!! There’s a ferrari in that cars picture!!! A real Ferrari!!! faints

lg4life- You’re crazy! :laughing:

JK! JK! Lolz

Well, your in good company NikChik! :wink:

D: Well then…

Lolz, jk… I know I’m a nut. :wink:

:laughing: Lol. TSS!

Yesh… Let’s welocme the new person!
(points to NikChik-11)

Sorry, I couldn’t resist! Ha, I am so funny.


Heehee. That DOES feel good. ;-p


Good to get that off your chest, huh, PV? :wink:

I’m not really obsessed with any Pixar character, but I might after watching Ratatouille. :wink:

I think I know what you mean…



I thought we were talking about our obsession with Pixar films…? Oh well… :stuck_out_tongue:

PV - You like Tony?! I never would have guessed. :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

Welp, I think it’s safe to say that I am 100% obsessed with Ratatouille, but I haven’t gone overboard with this film as I did with Finding Nemo. You see, when the latter was released…I bought everything that had to deal with the subject. As for Ratatouille, I am taking a different course and am only purchasing the objects/merchandise I really need (things such as posters, t-shirts, books, etc…). Yes, I need them. I wantsss them! :stuck_out_tongue:

The only exception in this case is that I’ve seen Ratatouille fifteen times as of late, which is a two “point count” over the Finding Nemo “score”. Ah well. It matters not! As long as I see the dang film to my heart’s content, I’m happy. :mrgreen:

– Mitch

PV, Maggie, you both are totally wierd. :stuck_out_tongue:

Mitch: I would have never guessed that you used to obsessed with Finding Nemo… And I’m completely the opposite with Ratatouille merchandise: if I can afford it, then I’m buying it. ;-p

rachel - Yeah, I used to be a Finding Nemo geek – I bought everything that dealt with the subject. I was more obsessed with Finding Nemo than I am with Ratatouille, if you can believe that. It was so pitiful… :stuck_out_tongue: (snigger)

Hey, same here. BUt some times, if I can’t afford it, I do one of two things. either wait till next time or borrow it from my sibilings. (I don’t mean steal)

You have siblings who are also into Pixar? Lucky…