Pixar Planet Chat-O-Rama! - Chatroom Session Timings

TDIT: Actually, we had temps in the mid-90s yesterday, and I was miserable! It does get quite hot in the summer! :laughing: (We’re expecting more high temps today, and a possible thunderstorm as well. The worst part about living up here during the summer are the mosquitoes. :shake: ugghhhh I HATE those stupid things! :angry:) Ahahaa, back-on-topic nao… :laughing:

But yeah, I’m excited to actually be able to get together with a bunch of you guys. I don’t think I’ve ever really ‘met’ some of you guys before! :slight_smile: It’ll be fun. Hopefully I can stay on for a long time and don’t get pulled away for some stupid obligation (my parents like to do that to me, usually at the most inopportune times :unamused:), and hopefully my computer won’t randomly shut off in the middle of the chat. And if I suddenly leave without any explanation, well, you’ll know why. :laughing:

Edu_22: I’m looking forward to talking with you, too! :smiley:

woody: Yayyyy!!! :smiley: That’d be so awesome to see you there! I don’t think we’ve ever really ‘talked’ outside of random posts here and there, and a few PMs, I think. This is gonna be so cool!

little chef

I know! :slight_smile: I hope to get to know you better little chef! I already know you’re a very kind person ;D

Somehow that totally slipped my mind :open_mouth: (too much Toy Story 3 over obsession probably :laughing: ) quickly goes to fandango to buy tickets
totally! I can’t wait to see what you guys think of it! :smiley:

looking forward to it!

Reminder that today’s chat session starts in about an hour!

Yup, we talked about total randomness! Spirited Away and Miyazaki’s best films, Narnia: The Dawn Treader’s new poster, the merits of The Hurt Locker (or lack thereof), Prince of Persia, one of the coolest short stories from The Jungle Book, film score piano sheets, ‘How to Break a Dragon’s Heart’, Disneyland vs Disneyworld, Singapore vs Sydney, Youtube Poops, and randomly shouted food items. Good times. :slight_smile:

Not sure if I can attend the next two meetings, but feel free to show up on your own or organise your own gatherings. I’ll post next week’s timings on Sunday/Monday.

Why are people placing spoilers over times? CORN!!! Yes, that was fun. Where’d Konrad go? :frowning:

Yeah, last night was so super fun! I’m really excited to do it again sometime! I won’t be able to make the Sunday time, since it’ll be about 2AM where I live. :laughing:

But omg, I had the greatest time with all of you last night. I’m sad I missed the ‘randomly shouted food items’, I would have had a blast. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m also sorry I missed it this morning… I got up kinda late and had to take a shower, so by the time I was done all of that it was close to 10AM.

little chef

Sure I’ll go tomorrow to the second session.
However, please put the sessions how are you this week that they are, and I have good morning time.

So, uh… apparently, the third time is supposed to be going on right now… I’ll be in the chatroom, if anyone else is on.

Okay, I know I mention this probably about every time I open my mouth, but I really want to try to plan to get some HtTYD fans (who have actually seen the movie :wink:) together for a discussion in the chatroom; something TDIT and I have planned on doing for a while now, but never actually got rolling.

So, here are a couple dates and times that work for me this weekend. (Not including Sunday.) If you’re having a hard time with some of them, I may be able to change a few of the times around.

Friday, June 4 at 7:30 PM EST, as first planned

Saturday, June 5 at 7:30 PM EST - note change in time!

EDIT: Friday’s time may change, depending on what time I get home from an after-school program. (It usually gets done at 6, but normally I don’t get home until 6:30-ish, and sometimes later depending on what we do.) So I’ll have to check and see what’s going on and if I’ll be able to keep that time. If I have to change it, I’ll definitely give you all a heads-up.

Let me know what works, hope to see you guys there! :slight_smile:

little chef

I’m good either days, but it depends on whether I can muster the strength and discipline to be up early on a weekend! :stuck_out_tongue:

Great you got this going, little_chef. Looking forward to talking with you and fellow HTTYD fans! :smiley:

HTTYD I’ve seen, I think ire some of the sessions, I also am a fan of HTTYD. :slight_smile:

EDIT- Please don’t use multiple smileys like this as it’s a form of spamming, thanks!


Aww, c’mon TDIT, you can do it! :smiley: I could possibly move the Saturday times to a bit later if that would work better for you, so you don’t have to get up so early.

Hopefully we can get a better head count before then (so short notice, I’m sorry! :blush:) and find out whether or not the times work for everyone.

Lovin’ the promo you put in your sig for this! :smiley: I’d put it in mine also but I don’t think it will show all of it. I hope we have a good turnout either way. :wink:

Edu_22: It’ll be cool to see another HtTYD fan there! Hope you can make it!

little chef

I’d like to go, but I haven’t seen HTTYD, and no offense, but I’ve been hearing a little too much lately about HTTYD, so I think I’ll pass. :slight_smile:

Because it’s such an incredible movie! Seriously, right up there with Pixar’s best, which is amazing considering it comes from The Studio that Must Not be Named. :wink: You should at least give it a try one of these days, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

little chef

I’d come along to the Saturday one, but I’ve got an exam on Tuesday and I’ve been procrastinating enough as it is. Plus, though I did enjoy How To Train Your Dragon, I don’t think I hold it in quite the esteem that the true fans of the film do, and I wouldn’t want to put a downer on the chat by talking about some of the stuff that I didn’t like (although there was a lot that I did). So I’ll pass on this one. :laughing:

Well, I don’t know if I have the time, but maybe I’ll just come to one and watch you guys chat and maybe you guys can really convince me to go see HTTYD. :slight_smile:

K9Girl: Our discussions will probably include some seriously massive spoilers, so if you don’t want to run into them, I’d kindly suggest you stay away from the discussions. :laughing: Hope that doesn’t come across as mean, I’m just warning you, since the discussion is directed towards those who have seen the film so we can discuss spoilers, too. :slight_smile:

lizardgirl: It would have been nice to have you there, but if you feel you should sit out that’s fine. Good luck with those exams, by the way! :smiley:

little chef

I can make either of the times, and though I’m not a “true, crazy fan” of HTTYD, I am a movie critic and discussion-er at heart, and will most likely attend, as long as nothing else pops up.

Aww, man, I might have to push tonight’s time ahead. D:

My mom informed me this morning that we’re going shopping with my grandmother after the after-school program, so I’m not sure how long that’s going to take us. Dang it, I wish I could have informed you all sooner! :frowning:

How does this time work for everyone? That gives me a good hour and a half cushion, and you’re free to go ahead and start the discussion if for some reason I’m running a bit late. And if I’m early, I’ll go ahead and start and leave you guys a message here, so just keep an eye out.

I’ll update the time on my first post so people don’t get confused. Again, so sorry for such short notice change of plans!

little chef

New time doesn’t work for me; going to a concert-type event. Sorry.