Pixar Planet Chatroom Quiz Nights!

I planned to see Big Hero 6 the following day so this is fine.

Looks fine for me.

Sounds fun! I hopefully will be able to make it to this one! :slight_smile:

Just a reminder everyone, the Incredibles quiz is tomorrow! I’ve been lazy and haven’t prepared, but I’ll come up with some questions tonight and I’ll see you then!

Well, we only had 1 contestant show up, and if you’ve been to our chatroom quizzes, they don’t really work that well unless there’s at least 2 contestants, so we’re going to try to reschedule for another time. I’m very busy in December, but I’m sure we could squeeze in another quiz somewhere! I’ll come up with something soon.

Ohmygosh I can’t believe I missed it! I totally forgot because I usually don’t log on on Fridays… yeah we’ll have to work this out again sometime. Yeah fail on my part…

I missed out too! :frowning: That’s what I get for being absent, I guess.

Okay, guys, let’s try this again! 8D

timeanddate.com/worldclock/m … 136&p5=240

Let me know how this time works.

Works for me.

Works for me! I’ll make a point to be there this time :slight_smile:

Wait, are we trying for The Incredibles again, or is the theme going to be something else this time?

Just general Pixar this time.

Well, we were able to have a short quiz. I might hold off on these until summer’s a little bit closer, as usually more people are active around that time of year, but we’ll see! Remember anybody can host one of these if they want to. If you ever want to try, you’re more than welcome!!!

Facepalm Did I miss another one of these?? Yeesh… my Pixar calendar better get here soon so I can write these things down!

Anybody up for another quiz next month? :mrgreen:

As always, yes. :smiley:

Daaang, I am sad I missed this, but I’m glad they’re making a come back!

I’m down, as long as it’s after mid-June!

I might try to schedule one some time in July, but we’ll see. I might be without internet for most of the month. I hope we can work something out, though!

I hope you can do it, would love to do another one! :smiley: