Pixar Planet History

I wish I could be on here more too. Even though it’s summer I’m still not on here a whole lot, with books I have to read and hanging out with my friends and going places. I really don’t mind it being a small community, I like that I’ve talked to everyone here at least once :smiley: In bigger websites I just get lost, and I couldn’t imagine spending too much time in gigantic forums

Everyone seems busy durring the summer. I remember that in the past summers, this place is usually swarming.

It was last summer.

I remember that! My first summer on Pixar Planet…

Mine too.

Ususally in the summer is where I might find myself excessively away from PIxar Planet.



What is everyone’s most embarrassing post?

Oh boy, I have so many, it’s hard to choose. I’ve posted a lot of embarassing posts, and a lot of embarassing posts about myself too.

Th is mine, it’s at the bottom, Do I need to explain it? You guys were just like, “What”?.

boardreader.com/thread/Your_Favo … html?o=990

It’s from the Your favosrite members of Pixar Planet thread.


Most embarassing for me?

The time when I put on a squeaky voice and went “oooh, I want to be Pixar’s receptionist!”

I tend to bring embarrassing posts onto myself for the laughs.

If you got to choose some new mods, who would you choose?

I would pick


Good picks, but remember that the current mods and admins have the final say. We discuss in great detail the best candidates.

I know, just think they would be good mods.

I can agree with you.

Have you been a mod since day 1?

No actually. There were mods before me. The people that help set this place up. I was just a young, excited, yet immature member. It took me a long time to mature and earn the trust of the admins. I’ve only been just a regular moderator just a couple year ago. And after the relaunch, I got promoted to a global mod.

I see.

Sooooo…here I am reviving an almost YEAR old thread.

Just posting my stamp on something I probably should’ve been a part of, considering I’m an “oldie”…or an '06 er. :sunglasses:

I remember what the forum was like BEFORE the previous overhaul, when the boards where as stale looking as could be (the background colors weren’t even WHITE!), and we only had Toy Story - Cars layouts to chose from…and then of course almost ALWAYS being mistaken for a guy 8D .

I still breeze through for old times sake. I’ve always been the ‘busy bee’ even when I was way more active on the forums. But like many have said before me, while I’m still busier than ever it’s kind of hard to connect with anyone now that my fellow 06-08ers have phased out as well.

But I will admit I was one of the few that never bothered connecting with anyone here on anything else besides deviantArt. Nowadays I’m on FB and Twitter as well though.

PP back in its wonder years were definitely entertaining at the least. I have to admit I do miss the intimacy of us growing up together in a way.

Sincerely, that old member that everyone seemed to forget all about, but made pretty cool graphics and drawings…
