Pixar Planet History

This is my first and only forum too!

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that forum.

It’s a really great website, (www.behindthename.com) but I wasn’t a fan of the people in the forums part.

Here’s a couple of the sites I go too.

kh-vids.net/forum.php?s=db34 … 8f7959febf


it was better when it looked like this.


What do you mean, heyday? :frowning: PP is always in it’s heyday! :smiley: Seriously, I never knew we were going downhill in anyway. Is that true?

I don’t think it’s going downhill! Just all the veteran members talk about the old days of Pixar Planet, I would of loved to of been there.

Yeah, I know what you mean. It seems like it was really cozy and friendly because everyone knew each other. Not that it isn’t still friendly, this place is awesome!

Now this forum is all split up into groups. Nobody’s as connected.

^ Really? I’ve never really felt that. I feel like I talk to everyone, but maybe I’m deluding myself shrug

Well, that’s natural, as it expanded. The only way of keeping it totally connected is to maintain few regular members.

I personally feel like Evangeline.

The people the come on here everyday and post alot have a high tendency to connect with other people who post a lot on here. There are thousands of people who signed up on the PP forums, but I feel as though that I know a very very select few of those people.

^ I feel the same way. It always kinda makes me sad when someone introduces themselves and then never comes back. I mean, I haven’t even been here that long, but it’s always nice when someone sticks around and becomes a regular member. But it’s kinda nice knowing that when I come back on every day or two I know who I’ll be talking to. It’s nice being small-ish :smiley:

Some people never made a post.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. Maybe they did register, but they couldn’t find their activation e-mail because it might have ended up in their spam folders. Or it could be to PM people, or maybe just read posts without replying to anything…

Or just so people couldn’t make a username they wanted but was taken. That happens to a lot of people on Youtube.

I feel a presence of cliques here. But it’s inevitable when there’s a large grouping of people, even in the virtual world.

Yeah, I’ve been feeling like the forums haven’t been as lively when I first joined…

I kinda have to agree with IncredigirlVirginia.

I must be oblivious. :smiley: I’ve never, ever noticed. I would love to talk to everyone, and I’ve always felt like I did like I said before. Huh. Curious

You are not alone in these feelings.

I guess the only way to remedy this situation is for us to be more active and involved. I know how difficult this is. I for one have to juggle with family, friends, work, and school.

Yeah, I’ve also notice that the forums have been a little quiet lately. Nowadays, it’s around 25-35 members (maybe even less than that) that post on a regular basis. I’m all for the idea of posting more, and getting more involved, but like ellie-jessie-eve said, it is kinda hard to post alot when you have other stuff going on outside of Pixar Planet.