Pixar Summer Internship 2017

I hope I’m doing this reply thing correctly I don’t know how else to do it lol. Anyway sure, this first link is my regular reel: vimeo.com/192856776
Good luck I hope you hear back soon!

Awesome work!! Well deserved. :slight_smile: Let us know how your phone call goes!!

Waiting patiently to hear back about the Production internship. Any news? :slight_smile:

Wow! Incredible work! :slight_smile:

Nope! I’m curious, do you know how many people applied for production? Also are you in the facebook group?

saw people got accepted art intern last year on april 26…I think it will be the same time they send rejection letters …

I got my art internship rejection a few weeks ago. A friend of mine got her rejection latter 2 weeks before I did. I think it honestly just depends on whether they like your portfolio and whatnot when you receive a rejection. It may also go through alphabetically? Not sure.

I got into accepted into the Animation internship this year! I have my phone interview on Friday! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Congratulations! When did you find out? That’s so exciting! Do you mind sharing your reel?

Thank you so much! I found out yesterday so it’s completely fresh!

and here is my reel: vimeo.com/199653884

That’s excellent work, no wonder you’re in. So you were accepted, but you still have to interview? Did you get one of those “you’ve been narrowed down” emails?

As far as I know, it’s a, “You’re in, let’s sort out the details” emails.

THANKS for sharing, actually I saw PIXAR viewed my website around the end of March, but no response. it’s still says :Application received "
the waiting is killing me.

Ok so we know that a couple of animation internships have been accepted, do we know if anyone has gotten animation rejections yet? Mine still says “application received” but I’m wondering if they’re just waiting to send out rejections…

I know that some people got rejected the day after applications closed, but other than that, I’ve not heard anything. :frowning:

Anyone hear from archiving? My application status has been the same for months lol

I have not hear back from them, either. My status still says application received.

I keep seeing people say that their applicaton status is still pending, but I actually don’t know how to check that. How do I check my application status?

Hi guys!
Sort of stubbed upon this site. I applied to PUP this year, didn’t get even get a notification if my application was received. Which worries me, however based upon reading everything everyone has said. I’m thinking I was looking in the wrong place for my application status. Also I have a feeling I didn’t get in. I applied to the animation internship.

Congratulations to those who have gotten in! And that sucks to those who didn’t get in.
Quick question to those who have gotten in, do you live in California? I’m mostly asking,
because while digging for information it seemed like the people who have gotten the opportunity
in the past have all been from California, or at least UC Berkeley. I have found others who have
gotten in, but they didn’t post where the lived.

I don’t know what it’s been like in the past, but it doesn’t appear to be that way this year! I got in, and as I do live in California, I just recently moved. I still lived in Florida when I applied. Another person who got in lives in Hawaii, another in Michigan but is originally from another country, another is from the UK I believe. They haven’t sent us the full list of interns that got it yet so there are still a few we don’t know about yet so I don’t know where they live. It seems like they’re taking people from all over. I don’t know if they’ve told everyone yet or not but good luck!!