Pixarteers Thread!

Kay, I’m just throwing this idea out there, feel free to say no…anyone want to try to rule Pixar Planet? We have the manpower, certainly. I mean, you know, just an idea. x3haijessiex3 could be our leader. And then once we assume ultimate power over everything we could…uh…make friday “Funny Hat Day”. And I definitely wouldn’t try to, you know, overthrow you or anything x3haijessiex3 :-D)


Good one! :wink:

LOL good idea! XD

Heh, joke…of course.

Hey, I have a question. The criteria for being a Pixarteer is 1) you have to be in high school, and 2) you have to like Cars. So what happens when a person graduates? I’m not graduating until next year, but I’m just wondering.

I hope we’re still allowed to be Pixarteers, but elevated to a higher status. Maybe Pixarteer Level 2? :slight_smile:

Nope, sorry. You will promptly be disposed of in a horribly gruesome way in order to make room for new recruits. Yeah, it’s gonna happen to all of us and there’s no fighting it, so you might as well enjoy it while it lasts!

Haha ok, I was just kidding, of course! Sorry if I scared anyone! But yeah, a high level of Pixarteer-ness sounds awesome. Maybe after high school, we could be the Super Pixarteers!!! :smiley:

(Sorry, I know that that was really lame group name, but I couldn’t think of anything.)

Evil_Genius_27, you’re a veteran then! :slight_smile: haha I don’t know. That’s just so we can get people all around the same age who like Cars.

Ding, we’ll all wear capes xD

Kay, glad to hear I won’t be “disposed of” as Ding so politely put it 8D And the capes sound good! Well, unsafe, as we all know, but cool looking.

Haha capes sound awesome! (Although Edna would definitely not approve.) But yeah, we’ll be the old members and then we can pick on all the new people! Just like freshman in high school. Haha, I’m glad that I’m a sophomore this year!

Or we could be all nice and stuff. But that’s booooring! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh my…f-f-freshman days… :shake:

I’m a junior now :smiley: woot!

I’m going to be a senior this upcoming school year…all you young’uns are making me feel old! Hey, did I ever tell you about the days when we had to walk to school? And it was uphill? Both ways? You whippersnappers now-a-days have it so easy, with your fancy cell-phones, and Twitter-book.

:confused: Wait, I thought you were 15 though, x3haijessiex3! (Like me.) Did you skip a grade?

My birthday is in December. It falls late. Everyone thinks that. :open_mouth:
I am in a college (advanced placement) English class this year though. If I pass the college test, I get 2 free credits and money. :open_mouth: I’m scared. I skipped 2 years of English classes this year…omg…I’m scared. :cry: So I guess technically that’s skipping. But that’s only in English.

Evil_Genius_27, only by one year! :smiling_imp:

8D True, true. I’m still young. I consider “old” anything that’s 20 yeas older than me. Of course, 20 years from now, my definition of “old” will have changed again.

Don’t you miss those days when stuff didn’t matter? :confused:

I’m about to become a freshman…looks like I’ll be in trouble soon! :wink:

The capes idea sounds perfect. All veterans should have capes PRONTO!!

Don’t worry about it, twitchA113. If you hang with the right people, you will do just fine. Oh, and never ever tell anyone your secrets. No matter how much you trust them. They’ll use it against you. :angry:

I’m getting mad again over stuff that’s…over. :open_mouth:

Ah, a niner, huh twitch? Don’t worry, all those rumors about people bullying niners aren’t true, at least not in any of the schools I’ve been to. Ninth grade is awesome, enjoy it while it lasts :smiley:

And yes, I want my cape. I guess I’ll have to wait till I graduate, and become a “Pixarteer Level 2” :wink: