Pixarteers Thread!

I think not! You’re certainly not alone Jess :wink: I’ve never breathed a bad word about any of them! I even find it hard to rank them in good order.

:slight_smile: That makes two so far.

Hey Ami! I’m doing great, but I’m actually going to bed now. : P Sorry.

Goodnight. :slight_smile:

Sorry if I ever get on any Cars fan’s nerves. I try my best to not hurt anybody with my opinions, but I can be a bit passionate sometimes. I love to pick apart and criticize movies, even the ones I love, moreso than complimenting them most of the time. So yeah.

You don’t get on my nerves, it’s the disliking Cars that gets on my nerves and that isn’t your problem, it’s my problem. :frowning:

Goodnight Nick! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not your problem for defending something you love,Jessie.It’s their problem for having a problem with that… :stuck_out_tongue:

I find all the movies perfect! Actually I always wish the movies would never have an ending cuse I get so attached to the characters… Anyways… How is everyone tonight?

Ok,just checking out my youtubesigh I wish I had more subbers… :frowning:

Same, I really don’t mean to offend people, but it seems as though it’s inevitable from time to time, unfortunately. However much I try to make it clear that I have no disliking of people who like certain things I don’t, but…that’s just the way things are sometimes.

If you’re going to agitate us here, I’m telling you to leave now. You have just posted in a group a friends topic I have here with my friends and only a select amount can post here. This is a group of people who like Cars a lot. I’m the head of this group. Anyone can post here, but you can’t start problems here. This crap ended. If you are seriously going to start this again. Leave now.

Edit: What you just posted is a shot at me and xcarsluverx and it’s very clear. So leave.

And your earlier posts about me on the last page weren’t?

Gah, I need to stop letting people bother me so much, especially over a forum. Whatever personal jab you take at me from here on in I really am done now.

Word to the wise… Don’t tick Jessie off k? Don’t tick me off (even though it would take a huge thing for that to happen) cuse I wont hold back if you do… Just my 2cents… Lol

I haven’t said one thing about you. All I said on the last page was that I wish I could curse people out sometimes. Not once did I state your name. Go read.

Now get yourself off of my group.

No mod has a problem with us, in fact one mod is a member of my club.

yeah Leon,I’d leave if I were you… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, whoa, calm down. Can’t we just agree to disagree? Not everyone’s gonna love every Pixar movie. There’s always that one that’s least loved. For some, it’s Cars; for others, including me, it’s ABL. Just calm down, please.

He’s been riding on the wrong side of the road with me today and I’ve had it. I ended it already Forster.

Okaayyyyy on a lighter note… (thinks) uh its the weekend… Lol

I’m just saying, you tend to get kind of hot under the collar when someone hates on Cars. I mean, yes, it’s a great movie, but not everyone’s gonna love it, so… yeah.