Pixarteers Thread!

Okaayyyyy on a lighter note… (thinks) uh its the weekend… Lol

Yeah I do, have a problem? I’m not allowed to defend my favorite movie? The one that gets bashed the most? Sorry if you’re not used to it because you like Toy Story so much. You know, the only “perfect” Pixar movie.

I’m sick of no one defending Cars and I think it’s about time someone steps up, no matter how bad I look. I don’t care. I stand up for what I like and who I like.

I wonder if I shout im a girl how many people would actually read it or just skim over it…

WOAH. Back the truck up. I, by no means, meant anything mean by that post. I was just pointing something out. I am not trying to start anything; I was saying something. So, don’t jump on me. I love Cars just as much as Toy Story. I thought Cars was as good as Toy Story when it came out, and I still do. So, please don’t jump on top of me.

I read what you said, I’m not just going to skip over something said to me.

I took it some other way. Sorry. Good thing you said this though.

Good… Lol okay im gonna say ive had enough of the disagreements today. My parents have done nothing but that and so did my siblings. Sooo im gonna go until this ALL ends. Bye for now.


Ok,who here will sub me?nervously chuckles :slight_smile:

Sub, as in subscribe to you on YouTube? :slight_smile: Sure.

Thx…Hey I’m gonna go now cause,I’m about to play some of my Cars Vg…good night everybody…Ka-chowww!!! :wink: :slight_smile:

Bye Bye :slight_smile:

Bye! Ok im guessing it stopped??? Anyways… Ill subscribe! Funny thing is I only got 2 vids on my account and there both about the old cop car we have… But I havent used it in about a year… Lol um what is your account name?

It stopped before you even left.

That seems to be the case alot today lol

lol true.

Its becuase my phone is going sooo slow lol. Soooo anyone still on?

I guess it’s just us. It’s funny how this place blows up when drama happens. I think everyone just stopped posting.

Yeah that is sorta funny… In a weird sense so whats up?

I didn’t mean it in a comedic way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nothing is really up…same old. Playing guitar, writing, coughing, and making videos. You?

Your still coughing? Um me same old same old… Radio… Uh playing with my lil brother and oh heres a new one doing dishes… Lol