Pixarteers Thread!

You know I see why my old friend left these forums,people are too sensitive around here…I will try not to come in contact with that member,but at the same time I WILL NOT apologise.Then everybody is getting on me!!!smoke blows out of nose :imp: :imp: :imp:

[/b]mopar5[b]:The account name is xMcQueenandSallyx…

You know what’s funny I got into it with him on Youtube too…yep I know that dude… :stuck_out_tongue: :angry:

Okay when I get5 the chance ill subscribe. I actually have 2 accounts. One for posting things to twitter and one more personal.

Would that be me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Look, haijessie and CarsLuver, I know this is a Cars fan thread, and that all of us here (me included) love this movie very much. But I think ‘that guy’ made an honest mistake in coming here and expressing a negative opinion (which he is rightfully entitled to, anyway, just saying). Give him the benefit of the doubt. Acting hostile towards him and chasing him out is not the civic thing to do. A more polite ‘Fairy Nuff’ would suffice, then continue talking about how awesome Cars is. Sooner or later, the dissenter would realise he’s been ignored and move on. There’s no need to take a sledgehammer to a fly when a swatter would do. :slight_smile:

Anyway, just want to let you know I’m on your side, but that it always pays to be open-minded and courteous. That’s half the battle won! :smiley:

I honestly didn’t know this was a Cars specific thread when I came in, I assumed all those threads went in the Cars section.

You’re absolutely right, Leon. It’s just that the ‘Pixarteers’ are a sub-faction of the forum who are in high school and happen to love Cars. Sort of like a separatist group.

I’ll let you in on a secret though, I’m not in high school! :slight_smile: And of course, you don’t have to love Cars to be a member, though it helps.

But it’s not your fault. I’m just letting the girls know that you are entitled to your opinion, although they don’t have to agree with you.

Mm, I assumed it just meant a really hardcore Pixar fan, and wasn’t related to any one particular film. So for this thread and this thread only as it appears to be a fan specific thread I do apologise for posting that stuff, but I do still have to wonder why it isn’t in the Cars section. But oh well, I won’t lose sleep on it.

No need to apologize, Leon. As I’ve explained in this thread and ‘How Cars 2 can be better than the original’, we all have our opinions, and teasing out the parts we can agree or disagree on is fun (well, to me at least).

You have a point there. But Jessie did mention a few posts below the first post that Pixarteers:

Of course, you can probably argue that the rule is open to interpretation. Maybe I’ll discuss this with the Mods whether or not to move this to the Cars sub-section to avoid further confusion.

… Okaaaaayyyyyyyy

Dokaaaaayyyy… :smiley: What do you think, mopar5? Did I explain the rules of the thread right to Leon? Don’t hesitate to correct me if I’m wrong.

sigh Him again :unamused: ?!I’m sorry I really don’tlike this guy,I got in to it with him on Youtube… :confused:

What is it that he did that made you upset on Youtube, xCarsLuverx?

That’s nice, but in case you haven’t noticed I came here to apologise for posting like that in a thread that was meant for Cars fans, as opposed to say, a review thread.

If it’s who I think it is, it was because I left a comment that stated my thoughts on the film somewhere or other, but I swear to god that was so long ago that it being bought up is a mystery to me.

As far as I know the rules… It’s you must be in highschool or higher, have an aprieciation for Cars oh and don’t start junk on here. As I’ve heard Jessie put it (correct me if I am wrong Jessie) that this is a place were we are close friends (who have a simular interest -Cars. And that are in high school) anyone can post here just not have Pixarteers in the signature. (I think thats close to what it was though I might be wrong) anyways I think thats how it was said… (might be wrong) :confused:

Leon - I appreciate your apology, since you sound sincere. It is my opinion that it should be reciprocated.

How long ago did you make this comment, exactly, if you can recall? I assume, just like the tone you have taken on this forum, that you were balanced in that opinion without being defamatory?

mopar5 - Em… I’m a little confused about your response… so it’s basically no negative comments about Cars, and that anyone who is high-school and above can post here (subject to the approval of Jessie, who is the head)? Please correct me if I am wrong.

No what happend was I was trying to defend another Cars fan who he was talking down,and then he started acting like a total beephead :unamused: .And yeah it’s me…Leon… :stuck_out_tongue: :confused: :confused:

Uh no i was just explaining what I know.

Well, assuming this is the same person, here they are. I do get a bit snide towards the end of this but…well, you can see for yourselves and pass your own judgement but the first comment did not start off as an attack on anyone. All I can say is I’ve had a major case of deja vu lately.

Warning coarse language

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Also as it says this was 2 months ago, so it should be a thing of the past really.

EDIT Disclaimer for coarse language TDIT

Wow…you are really something… :P :-\

Okay, thanks anyway, mopar5.

Leon - Well, as you have said, you did get a bit snide, though in my opinion, it was in the middle when you started using foul language in reaction to someone’s sarcasm. xCarsLuverx probably got upset that you referred to her favourite film in that manner, which perhaps led to that grudge (and sometimes, people remember past disputes).

xCarsLuverx - Well he has apologised if he has offended anyone on this thread. Do you accept that apology? You can always let the Mods know if you feel he’s talking down any one, so we can have a look into it. :slight_smile:

[quote="xCarsLuverx":1d4q4ygp]Wow…you are really something… :P :-\[/quote:1d4q4ygp]
Says the one who got all upset when I never directly attacked her in the first place, now OR then. You are really starting to annoy me, especially since this all started over a film. I’ve never felt so unwelcome on a forum for stating an opinion in my entire life, especially not because of one person.

I’ve been trying not to say anything but now I have to be brutally honest. Well stuff it, I’m gonna make leave for a few weeks despite only just joining, let this thing die properly as I’ve had enough of it.