Pixarteers Thread!

Well okay… feel free to come back anytime, Leon.

Dude,kill the drama…seriously… :-\ Throws confetti

The immaturity presented by some of the members on here over the past few days is, quite frankly, overwhelming. I’m very disappointed by certain members’ reactions to this issue, and though both sides were definitely in the wrong, the clique-y, group mentality that some of you have used to drive out another member saddens me. Leon was certainly not perfect in what he has said on here, and yet he has come across as far more polite and apologetic than the majority of those who I am addressing.

I also agree with thedriveintheatre- this thread should be moved into the Cars section as it does seem to be for solely those who like the movie. Moving it would avoid any future confusion.

Ok everyone knock it off! Really knock it off. I’ve seen stuff like this happen on another forum and it didn’t end pretty good. And yes it the exact same thing. Though it wasnt about the movie Cars it was about actual cars a guy who joined a Mopar forum started talking about his Camaro. Anyway he started “defecting” to a Chevy guy and started explaining his negative views on Mopars. It’s like this… You start talking bad about cars on a CARS forum or sub forum what do you expect them to just say nothing or agree with you? No, your gonna get some unwanted (to you) feedback so just knock it off. Please?

Umm… that’s not very nice. He has already admitted defeat, xCarsLuverx, so why kick him he’s already down? :confused:

Thanks, lizardgirl. Although Leon wasn’t tactful in criticising the Cars fandom, he has already made amends for it, as I have mentioned a few posts back. We’ll await replies and keep discussing this with the other Mods, since this thread does seem to be pretty Cars-exclusive… and as mopar5 mentioned, critics should expect equally vocal reactions, so it would be clearer if it was categorised in the Cars fandom section.

You know what,here’s a solution I’ve some up with to avoid him as much as possible.You guys obvoiusly didn’t see how he talked down on somone on Youtube…and get this I just got a message on youtube from one of his “posse” downing me and cursing me out.I’m in a PMS mood and I really don’t feel like taking mess from anyone…you come at me I’ll come back ok?I also am thinking about leaving for a few days…

I tried reading them but my phone is making everything blurry though I have seen how he is talking on twitter… But Im not taking any sides I just want it to stop. And some how I think moving the topic to the Cars section would complicate things more… Since we don’t just talk about Cars.

[b]Read all:[b\]

sighHey look guys,you know what you’re right I did act immature in handling this situation and for that I’m sorry.But you have to understand we die-hard Cars fan have feelings too and when you down on something someone loves very much,of course you’re going to get a hostile reaction.It’s not like I absolutely hate people who don’t like Cars.Bryko’s cool he doesen’t like Cars,I have a friend who doesn’t like Cars,ok?So when you say things like that…that’s not true.The diffrence is they didn’t come off as mean in saying they don’t like those things…Leon did and that’s why he got the reaction he got from me…I also don’t like the fact that when people like me defend Cars it’s like "oh,guys calm down"or "I like whatever it is they like and I don’t get mad."It’s diffrent.Cars is the most wrongfully bashed Pixar movies out there,and I’m sure if it was Toy Story it’d be a whole lot diffrent…But all that aside I’m sorry to anyone whom I offended.Leonsigh I don’t know about how I feel about you but I apologise for the way I behaved towards you…just go easy with the critiques ok? :slight_smile:[/b]

Hurray! The war is over!

How is everyone?

Rather calm today. (I feel so surreal actually “talking” about normal stuff). I just finished my History essay, and now I’m enjoying a cold glass of milk…possibly the most underrated drink- EVER.

I love milk! In sad news, my dog Brownie is very sick he just upchucked 5 times and went all over the floor :frowning:

That’s terrible. Hope he gets better.

In other news its really hot where I live.

Bradandez: I heard it’s getting up to 113 degrees in CA…that must be torture. It’s currently kinda cool here, pouring rain too.

Right now I’m trying to stall time while doing homework so I’m posting this.

Thanks :slight_smile: I hope so too. Right now I keep listening to the same song over and over again (Johnny Cash- Hurt) so who is on exactly?

Thanks for the apology, xCarsLuverx. That was a very mature thing to do, and it is understandable that one might get upset if criticism is phrased in a mean or sardonic way. One way I would handle undue criticism (if it’s not personally abusive towards me) is to acknowledge the comment, then continue fan-gushing. :wink:

Leon has also sent me a PM apologising again for his conduct, so both parties have already said sorry. We’ll let this feud end, but the Mods will still discuss about whether to move this thread to avoid further confusion.

Any of the Pixarteers are welcome to provide feedback as to whether this thread should be moved or not, and we’ll have a listen to them. So don’t hesitate to voice your opinion.

I really hope they release a Cars 2 trailer soon… I can’t wait to see Finn McMissile and who voices him! :open_mouth:

Look at what Pixarian Reid Sandros just tweeted:


^Must resist temptation to explode…

Do i have to do anything to join the Pixarteers besides be in high school? I’m a freshman now. :slight_smile:

You also need to appreciate Cars to join.

I won’t be online much because this week there are a lot of things to do with my school. I think I’m gonna pass on school tomorrow. I need a mental health day. The work is becoming overwhelming.

As for both parties apologizing, I still haven’t done my part. Of which I’m going to do now.

I’m very sorry for the way I acted. It was really uncalled for. It really was. I need to calm down when others voice their opinion on Cars, especially when they’re negative. At the time I thought I was doing a good thing for the Cars fans on this site by standing up so hard. Little did I know I was only embarrassing myself. I was reading it over before and it’s really sick, the way I acted. Anyone who knows me here knows that I’m usually a really nice person, but on the other tire, they know how defensive I get. I don’t know why I acted that way yesterday. I guess it was the heat of the moment when he thought of Cars as a Dreamworks quality movie. I lost it and me losing it was uncalled for. I apologize 100 percent. I don’t feel that he needs to apologize because, looking back, he did nothing wrong. All he did was voice his own opinion. I voiced mine too much. So I take back everything that I’ve stated yesterday. I’m going to be much more easier on the negative comments that fly by my way about Cars. I take full blame for all of this because, after all, I started the whole argument in the first place.

As for moving this thread, I think we should movie it to the Cars section of the forum if that’s possible.


Yes you may because you are of age. I can already tell you’re a fan of Cars. :slight_smile: So sure. You’re in.