Pixarteers Thread!

Yeah, sorry if I sounded a little desperate to apologize. I didn’t see the edit on that one post. facepalm But I don’t see why this would need to be moved. This thread isn’t ALL about Cars, it’s just random. So, I don’t see why it should be moved.

I see your point. Well, I’m open to both suggestions. I wouldn’t mind moving it, personally, but if it stays here, sure. :slight_smile:

sips coffee im glad we all made kissy faces and made up lol :slight_smile:

You have just taken this calming moment and make it awkward. :confused:

Kidding. :wink:

Gosh, Garrett, you ruin everything! :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: Good night! I feel a lot better now.

You should know I always do that haha :slight_smile:

Night Forster!

Night Forester! Oh I ruin everything huh? Well there was that time when… Oh no that ended in a big mess… Uh well how about… No Godzilla was hospitalized for a month… Um ill get back to you on that… Lol

face palm 8D

Right… I remember now! Cars is a great movie to me! it’s 4th on my greatest Pixar movies. It teaches a very true lesson. I sorry if I sound a little cheesy. It’s been a long day.

Lol^ 8D

Haha oh and yay 400 pages!

400 pages! :open_mouth: wow!!! :smiley:

I love Cars. ahh! <3

Thanks for the apology, x3haijessiex3. You (as well as other parties involved) did the right thing. :slight_smile:

Could this possibly be the biggest thread on the Planet?

Nah I think there is one bigger…

Nah I think there is one bigger…

Not quite sure if it’s the longest thread. :open_mouth:

It is growing very quickly though…

Very true. :slight_smile: The members as well, it plateaued before, but then today we had our new member. :smiley: So I’m very happy about that.

I think the “What are you listening to now?” thread is longer.

Yeah… :slight_smile: