Pixarteers Thread!

Well that’s a constant thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah speaking of music. <3

Music <3 La musique!

Dah more french! :stuck_out_tongue: lol

BONJOUR! :open_mouth:

facepalm XP lol


Dah! goes insane :stuck_out_tongue: lol

I hope that Pixarian wasn’t pulling our legs. :confused: I’m sick of getting my hopes up about a Cars 2 teaser/trailer and having it not be there. It’s getting old really fast. Hopefully, however, that tweet was sincere and means we’ll be seeing it within the next month and a half.

X2 anyways I am off to bed… G’night all!

goodnight :slight_smile:

400 pages? Great job everybody!

401 :stuck_out_tongue:

Good morning,fellow compadre’s!!! :smiley:

Hey! :slight_smile:

Ugh! I will never get used to everybody’s time zones, but good morning to you guys. How do you feel on this fine eve of Tuesday?

It’s soo beautiful outside,skies the color of Lightning’s beautiful blue eyes,the sun is shining yay for fall…sigh I love fall… :smiley:

Hola! Lol I feel good today! :smiley: how is everyone?

I’m alright. Still sick though. I wish teperatures were even colder. :confused: I like freezing. It’s cloudy and rainy here. :frowning:

Awww, that sucks… :frowning: