Pixarteers Thread!

I usually like rain because it makes me think of someone, but today I’m not feeling it. :-\

That stinks Jessie :frowning: hope you get better. Hefre it just rained clouds are out oh and my 2yr old brother is talking like a teen and picked up my phone and started playing music on it… He knows how to unlock it and use it… Lol

That’s too cute!

Yeah well he also knows how to do my moms phone (HTC EVO) and he can call people access the games and such with no help. Hes scaring me… He even knows gthe words to songs like Hey, Soul Sister and some Johnny Cash ones its freaky and cute lol

What phone do you have?


Me haz a Droid.

Lucky… Lol

I agree, I like it when it’s cloudy and possibly rainy. Pretty beautiful today in Rome too. Faded blue sky with Toy Story-esque clouds, and a solid yellow sunset.

EDIT: I’d post a picture, but there’s a huge tree in front of my room.

That sound really nice! :slight_smile: okay now me gonna rant. You know when you try and tell your parents something they just don’t get it? Well I was trying to tell my mom something I did when I was 10 but she keeps thinking it’s something else she just doesn’t get it. This thing I wan’t to tell her has eat’n away at me for bout a year. What I did was bad if you look at it that way. Anyways I just wish they could see what i’ve seen and done the things i’ve done. Just so they understand me better. :frowning:

Wow! Rome!? You live in Italy? That’s so cool!

Garrett, what did you do? And yes, I think we all know that feeling. :frowning:

I… I can’t really say here… The more I think about I feel sick.

Oh. :neutral_face: Well I won’t ask then.

:slight_smile: yeah better not tell come to think bout it… I am at Wall*e Mart lol (walmart)

does the corny drum rudiment :stuck_out_tongue:

Hahahahaha :smiley: :laughing:

Is that you commenting on my YouTube videos? :neutral_face: I meant to ask you. I want to know because if it isn’t you then this guy is a really creepy stranger. :laughing: I have a feeling it’s you though because I told you about my vlog.

No… Lol kidding yep its me I have 2 accounts… Lol

Oh okay cool! :laugh: I was getting creeped out because I didn’t know who the heck it was!

STALKER… Lol haha :slight_smile: