Pixarteers Thread!

Watching “The Soup” on Youtube LOL!!!Joel’s the best!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hey guys I won’t be on for a while,not until Friday at least,so I’m saying bye…I <3 you guys!!!hugs and kisses :slight_smile:

Bye! We’ll miss you! :slight_smile: hugs

Garrett, you’re watching The Soup?!?! Holy crap, I love that show!!

xCarsLuverx: Bye! We’ll miss you!


Oops, wrong person. Sorry. xP

Right… well How are you?

I’m okay. You?

Just the Bees Knees… lol WHy did I say that?

xD Wow. Just a question: Do you follow baseball?

No… but I’ve palyed it I don’t watch sports… I play them.

Hay kids did you miss me?? :smiley:

How’s it goin?

Grandma is that you??? Lol kidding Hi Katie! :smiley: im doing good you?

8D Hey Garrett!

I’m gearing up for Survivor right now!! It starts in about 40 minutes :smiley:

Cool… :slight_smile: I just got done talking to Ami <3 im in the city (still) :slight_smile:

Aaaw :smiley: wow I’ve been gone since Sunday so I didn’t even know you were in the city! Sounds awesome

Im going home now… It was just for today… I was in the DC area. Though earlier I was in downtown Fredericksburg. Where is everyone? :confused:

I don’t know I wish they were on :frowning: It’s sad that everyone’s so busy! I wish I had internet on my phone so I could post more often

What phone do you have? I have the zLG RUMOR TOUCH and I have the net and Im listening to music at the sametime :open_mouth: lol I actually have severail aplications up. Anyways yeah where is everyone!?!??!?!??!?!?

I have the Verizon Alias 2 but internet costs too much its not actually the phone that’s the problem :smiley: I know why aren’t they ever here??