Pixarteers Thread!

Night, Forster! :slight_smile:

“Hai babe! I brought something for yewwwwww.”
“What is it?”
“Jussa little sometingg.”

Ok I dont want to get u in trouble
 Bbl takn a shower

Talk to you later!

Hes gone? hes just a chicken CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP

“Who you callin chicken? You’re right! You’re both weird!” XD

Just cause I play football in a tux means Im weird?

Don’t forget being only 3 feet away from each other!!!

Cats go eat HUHHHH

“If a lot of peepoll love each other, the worldz will be a better place to live.”

Gosh I have nooooo idea whatcha say’n :confused: Anyway all clean! :slight_smile:

“Everybody betray me, im fed yp with this world.”

 Anyone up?

“How dare you talk to me tht way yew shu tell meh everythin!”

I’m up! :smiley:

Yay! :slight_smile:

I can’t stop yawning yet I’m not tired. :frowning:

Whoops sorry Jessie, went to bed :frowning: sorry

Oh hai guys! “Yep, it’s official
I definetally have breast cancer.” XD I wish I could see this movie.

I just love this thread, it makes me laugh so much.

Whatch yous talk’n 'bout? It sounds like a good movie :slight_smile: how are you?

It’s the worlds worst movie xD

Hiya Jessie!!! :smiley: whats up?