Pixarteers Thread!

Random note: yay Shinedown!!! anyways… I also eat Alot ALOT of yogurt…

I never had a thing for yogurt. It smells weird to me. :laughing:

Green Tea is sooooooo good! :smiley:

Why it’s good! I love Green tea!

I like Green Tea hot and cold. :slight_smile:

Sorry guys, I still have some studying to do, but today’s like the only day of the week that I can get to sleep before twelve, so I hope you all don’t mind if I cash in on this opportunity. Really sorry about never being on, but at least I’ll be here again when the weekend rolls around! I’m really looking forward to some awesome chatroom time and just generally awesome shenanigans. Well, goodnight all! Jess, I love you! <3

I can’t wait to talk to you more this weekend baby. <3 I love you too. Goodnight. :slight_smile:

Nighters Jeff.

Good Morning

Hi oh btw I’m dead… I’m in soooo much trouble :frowning:

Your dead, oh well, were miss you, you were a good member to Pixar Planet.

note to self- Delete Garrets account.

Jerk… Lol kidding whats up?

Not much, you?

I dont know if im dead or just whatever im having one of those tlaks about what i did in my life with my mom.

Hey guys! I’m in school. :slight_smile:

Garrett, are you alright? :frowning:

Well my mom seemed to have tooken the news well so really i dont know yet. :frowning:

What was the news? :open_mouth:

I can not say here. Or on twitter (publicly).

DM me. :slight_smile:

Hey Guys!!!I’m back!!! :smiley:

screams in horror lol kidding welcome back!!! :smiley: