Pixarteers Thread!

Pretzel M&M’s are delicious.

Milky Way bars are like caramel wrapped in chocolate with more chocolate.

Snickers or good, so are Butterfingers.

I’m going dressed up really…well can’t say it here. :wink:

The new chapter of How To Raise A Racecar is up guys! :astonished: Finally!

^I should read your fanfic when I get the time. The general consensus is that it is good.

Evil Genius I just realized you sig was from the Bioshock Infinity Trailer, even though I watched the trailer yesterday. I fail.

Has anyone notished my Toy Story Halloween special fanfic?

That would be great! Thank you! :slight_smile:

EDIT: David I’m currently reading it! :slight_smile:

Cool, is anyone else gonna go a Halloween special?

I guess you can say that my chapter, by the end, turns into a Halloween special. 8D But not really. I might though. :slight_smile:

Glad someone recognized it Pizza Planet Truck :smiley: That trailer was full of win.

Jessie, I’m glad you finally updated! I was afraid you were going to abandon the story :cry: I’ll read it in a bit, and yours too David, but right now, I have to go watch an episode of Dexter with my folks. Back in a bit.

No I wouldn’t just abandon it without notice! :slight_smile:

I’m taking my PSAT tomorrow…hurray! :frowning: Am I the only one here taking it this month?

I take it tomorrow too! :smiley:

Mine are tomorrow too, but only the sophs and juniors take them. I took them in 8th grade, and Lord above, I’m sure glad I ain’t takin’ them tomorrow. No pressure :smiley:

I’m so friggen nervous.

How’d they go for everyone??

I had the sun blasting on my back the entire test. :confused: Other than that, they were alright. I hated the math part. Never was good in math. :frowning:

Ugh, I hate it when that happens! You should get a refund or something… :wink:
Math is never fun. I remember the vocab being kinda crazy when I took them, and I hateeeeed the essay part. Shoot me in the head :smiley:

Dinner! Be back in a little bit :smiley:

…what? :open_mouth: I didn’t pay for it. :astonished: Mine didn’t have an essay on it either.

:smiley: hahaha I know you didn’t pay for it. I was just being weird. :smiley:
And huh. Mine had an essay…strannnge

Have a new chapter of my Halloween special up.