Pixarteers Thread!

Yeah they totally freak me out. :frowning:

Hey guys. I have made a Toy Story Halloween Special on fan fiction. You can read it if you want.

New sig! Sorry about the odd white box around the number 23, but I promise to fix it by tomorrow. Iā€™ve been working on making all the new sigs for the next 24 days for a while, and now Iā€™m starting :smiley:

David thatā€™s a really cute idea! :smiley:

Hey Nick! Nice signature, but I donā€™t see the white box around the number 23. :astonished:

Hey guys!

Chuckles (waitā€¦ I guess your name is Nick? Could I call you that? :smiley:) anyways I love the TS sig. I canā€™t wait until Novemberā€¦ the TS3 DVD, Tangled, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1ā€¦ It canā€™t come fast enough!

Hey guys :smiley: Wow, countdown sigs seem to be in lately. Maybe I should make my own to countdown to Fallout: New Vegas! Only eight more days :-D)

Iā€™ve noticed that too, Evil :smiley: Ah, I havenā€™t talked to you in forever! Whatā€™s up?

Not much, just working on this huge project that I have. Well actually, as of now, Iā€™m taking a break :wink: Itā€™s basically a book report in french. Not my specialty. How about you?

Ouch. That sounds fun :smiley: Iā€™m half watching this ā€œscaryā€ movie with ma famille (is that right? 8D) I canā€™t wait for Halloween!

Halloweā€™en is my second favorite holiday, in part because of all the scary movies they air on TV. I also love dressing up for school :slight_smile: What movie are you watching? And what are you planning on dressing up as (if you do that is)?

[EDIT] I love your new sig by the way! Very vivid and bright.

Iā€™m not sure what itā€™s calledā€¦ thereā€™s some kids that canā€™t go in the sun and this lady is seeing things. I think my friends and I might be Harry Potter people for fun :wink: And so then we can use the costumes to dress up in for the premier (weā€™ve never gone all out before, so thatā€™ll be fun to do at the midnight showing :smiley:) And my homeroom is gonna dress up as something different. Weā€™re not sure yet though :smiley: What about you (if you go out :smiley:) ?

I think the movie youā€™re watching might be The Others. Does it have Nicole Kidman in it?

At school I think Iā€™m going to dress up as Alex DeLarge, a character from one of my favorite movies. Iā€™m going to dress up as something a little more mainstream for when I take my sister and cousins out trick or treating though, maybe a vampire or something like that. Thatā€™d be cool dressing up for the premier! I hope you guys have fun :slight_smile: My friend did that for the movie premier of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.

:smiley: Yup, thatā€™s what itā€™s called. It just finished.

That sounds cool! Do you get candy when you take them trick-or-treating? Or do you sneak some candy out of their bags? :smiley:

I got candy when I took them last year, but this year I think Iā€™ll just mooch some off of them 8D Iā€™m only going to take them around the neighbourhood for a while, and then Iā€™m gonna go home and hand out the candy to the trick or treaters. I always love doing that. We just moved over the summer, so hopefully the area we live in now gets more trick or treaters than where we lived last year. Whatā€™s your favorite candy to get? Mind is either Mars bars, double lollies, or those old Popeye candy sticks.

WOAH, Iā€™ve never heard of any of those!!! :smiley: My favorites are Milky Ways, Peppermint Patties, and Hershey bars. Yum yum yum. Deliciouso :smiley:

My dad hands out the candy, and my mom goes around with my little brothers. I usually go with friends. But my moms working, so who knows whatā€™ll happen. How was moving?? It sounds really hard to do. I canā€™t imagine it

AHH!  I've got to go.  I'll maybe be back later.  See ya! :smiley:

Youā€™ve never had a Mars Bar? :open_mouth: dramatic intake of breath You simply must try one. Best chocolate bars on Earth.

Moving was pretty stressful, but not as bad as it could have been. Iā€™m glad we moved in the summer. One of my friends moved during exam time, and she was super stressed for a while. It was a bit harder for us cause we lived in an apartment before, so we had to take everything down the elevator instead of just carrying it out the front door. I didnā€™t want them to damagae anything, so I carried my entire computer and all its accessories down six flights of stairs by myself. It took me four trips 8D

Bye! Talk to you later :smiley:

I beg to differ. Milky Way Bars are the best ever.

Alas, Iā€™ve never had a Milky Way bar. What are they like?




Salt and chocolate mixed together? Blegh. But then, chocolate and peanut butter are a strange sounding, yet delicious combination, so maybe Iā€™ll give them a try. What are you dressing up as for Halloweā€™en Jessie?