Pixarteers Thread!

Yeah, looks like we scared them away. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ughā€¦ sorry that Iā€™m so slow to replying, Iā€™m like zoning out super badly right now. I love not sleeping! sarcasm

Are you tired? Donā€™t stay up just for me. :slight_smile:

Donā€™t worry babe, Iā€™ll do anything for you. :slight_smile: Besides, I finally have my hard earned computer time! I deserve this! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes you do. :slight_smile: You studied like crazy. :frowning: I donā€™t know how your head is still on your shoulders. :astonished:

You know, for someone who studies so much, I sure do hate it. Who wouldā€™ve known? :laughing:

At least this week is going to be awesome! Three day week! We donā€™t have Monday off, but we do have Thursday and Friday off! Only bad thing is PSAT. Ewwā€¦

I only have this three day weekend. :frowning: But I need to take that stupid PSAT too. :angry:

:frowning: Yeah, Iā€™m not too fond of it lol. Iā€™ve taken it every year since seventh grade. Which is actually pretty dumb, because it doesnā€™t even count until junior year! :laughing:

I was going to say something of earth-shattering importance, but I forgot what it was. :frowning:

My first one was last year. :astonished: Is that bad?

:stuck_out_tongue: Donā€™t worry youā€™ll remember. :slight_smile:

Nah, thatā€™s fine darling. Iā€™m just worry too much about getting the Nation Merit Scholarship thing. Technically I couldā€™ve gotten it eight grade, so it beats me why the heck Iā€™m still taking it! :confused: Yay for decisiveness! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, I remembered the really important thing that I was going to say. I forgot to brush my teeth! Crap, gotta go do that! (Really important, right?)

You do it because youā€™re cool! :smiley:


Hey peoples! Is anyone here? :smiley:

Hey Katie! :smiley:

I just entered a contest to win a free copy of the Cars Toons DVD coming out on November 2nd. If I win I get to see it before anyone else! :astonished: I find out tomorrow if I win or not. I know itā€™s a rare shot, but itā€™s so worth a shot. :slight_smile:

How is your day?

Ahh!! Thatā€™s so cool :smiley: Iā€™m extremely jealous. How did you get to enter?

I guess itā€™s been okay. No school today, so I would say itā€™s actually been a pretty good day now that I think about it :smiley: I did some drawing, some homework, watched a movieā€¦ fun stuff :smiley:

I'll be back later!  I'm going to Friendly's... yum :smiley:

You need to go to the disneycarstoys website and post a comment on the post about the free Cars Toons DVD about which one is your favorite. :slight_smile:

Talk to you later!

Hi guys. I had a ghost expierence last night.

You believe in ghosts too? :frowning:

What happened? Tell!

Well I was awake and then I hear the old time music box music out of nowhere. This isnā€™t da first time I heard itā€™s like my fourth. My family has also heard a little girl laughter. It happens in the apartment I live in. And Iā€™m not makin this up.

Bradandez: Well, it is the season, after all!

Hey everyone! Anyone on? Guess what time it is? Thatā€™s right:

10:10 10/10/10!!!

I used to have a Ouija board, but I donā€™t really know how to use those that well.

Hey baby :stuck_out_tongue: again!

Ouija Board?! :shake: :neutral_face: