Pixarteers Thread!

U2 was awesome last night. :-D) We have a 3 day weekend too, so it should be fun. I really love Physics though, it’s AP European History that’s killing me…but I guess I should’ve seen that coming. You guys get Heavy Metal Mater already? No fair. Italy actually just got Tokyo Mater today, for the first time! In Italian only. :confused: My Grandpa’s also coming over for a few weeks. He has no idea what Pixar is.

You can see them on YouTube in English! :slight_smile:
U2 is a great band :slight_smile: their songs make me feel good and some sad. :smiley: They’re just great! I can’t see why anyone could not like them.
Be sure to give your grandfather a really good explaination. :slight_smile: Also mention how amazing Pixar Planet is! :smiley:

I wish I spoke Italian, French, Spanish, and Japanese. :frowning:

Edit: Hey Katie! Hey xCLx!

Wazzz up Jess?! :slight_smile: :sunglasses:

Just finishing up cleaning around my house and about to study more Physics. You? :slight_smile:

Here I am! No, Jessie, it wasn’t the same girl.

Oh, well I still hope it was fun.

Last night was fun, but homecoming is tonight though, Jessie. xP

I realized that after I saw your post on Tumblr. 8D Did you read my advice I gave you. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m only playing with you there so don’t get mad.

In case no one has notished yet I have a new chapter of Sids Story up. Is ok but not the best.

I need to catch up with your story. :frowning: I haven’t read anyone’s in a while because I haven’t had the time. I’ll do so tonight with yours. :slight_smile:

Hey guys! Anyone alive? :slight_smile:

You know I am babe. :slight_smile:

Hey sweetheart. :slight_smile: (Even though we’re talking now anyway. xD )

What if we’re actually not alive? What if we don’t exist, but are actually daydreams of a greater being? What if I were to stop saying random philosophical stuff? The world may never know…

Well then I must be dead with you because I feel like I’m in heaven when we talk. :slight_smile:

/corny :laughing:

I hope so, because heaven wouldn’t be heaven without you!

(Corniness must be combated with corniness!) :stuck_out_tongue:

Love ya babe! <3

:slight_smile: Love you too. <3 Zomggggggg why you so corny? :laughing:

I tried to think of something witty reply that, but the most I could come up with was, “Oh, because I ate a lot of corn today!” And I decided that I may be pretty silly at times, but I am NOT going to stoop that level of lameness. :stuck_out_tongue:

OH MY GOD 8D I was drinking water and all was cool then I read “Oh, because I ate a lot of corn today!” and it’s all over the place now. xDDDDD

Haha, yet again the situation can improved by the instant rim shot! :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeez things are really slow today, aren’t they? :frowning: Looks like it’s just you and me! :smiley:


Yeah they were. :frowning: But yeah it’s only me and you. :slight_smile: