Pixarteers Thread!

Hi Ding! Hows life?

I haven’t seen Jonah.

Nice story PPTruck, they do realize it’s about zombies right? :-D)
Cool to hear that Danielle, you know I was named after Machiavelli.
U2 is playing in Rome tonight!!! OMG OMG OMG, tonight is going to be awesome =)

Oh yeah, your name is Nick! Cool. We’re going to read his book The Prince later this year. I hope you have fun at the concert :slight_smile:

That’s okay Pizza Planet Truck. Time spent golfing with your dad is time well spent, I always say :sunglasses: Well, I’ve never actually said that before, but whatever. I used to love going golfing with my dad.

Lets hear it for the long weekend! …Oh wait, I think I might be the only one who has Monday off next week. Monday is thanksgiving :smiley: I can’t wait for the family feast :-D)

Hey, I’m back and I’m sad. If you haven’t already, look on the Current Mood or Dating Status threads for more info.

Hey guys! I actually have free time! :laughing:

ROBBIE!!! How are ya, buddy?

Good! I finally have time off from schoolwork this weekend!

Happy three day weekend for us who live in the US! :smiley: Woot!

This weekend is going to be packed with Physics. Though it isn’t my best science subject, I can’t wait to understand!

high fives Jessie due to the three day weekend Long weekends are the best :wink:

Blagh. Don’t mention physics. I detest physics, and I’m so glad I didn’t have to take it this year. Biology is where it’s at :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey guys look at my new avatar.

Nice, Bradandez. :smiley:

I’m cleaning my room at the moment and taking a short break to check up on you guys. Specifically, I went through all the birthday/holiday cards I’ve amassed through the years. It was kinda fun because I took up a paintbrush and some black paint and finally managed to throw away all those envelopes that were collecting dust that I was too afraid to throw away. 8D

Eh, I try all the basic branches of science at least once. I don’t like Biology or Chemistry at all. I’m more of a Geology and Astronomy kind of person. I’m trying to get myself into Physics. Not the easiest of all the pies.

Nice siggy, Bradandez! :smiley:

Hey Leirin! :slight_smile:

Did everyone see Heavy Metal Mater? It was awesome! :laughing:

Yeah I saw it in February in French so I knew what they were saying. :slight_smile: I saw the “new” toon 8 months ago. :laughing:

I missed it. Darn. Oh well, had a great time tonight. If you follow me on Twitter, you’d have seen we won by 50. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I got a date for homecoming! WOOT!!!11!!!one!!!eleven!!! (I’m excited. Can’t you tell? :stuck_out_tongue: )

Good night, everyone!

Goodnight. :slight_smile:

Is it the same girl?

Good morning guys! I’m going to the grand opening of a new Disney Store today and seeing Secretariat!

Hopefully I can pick up some Pixar garb! :smiley:

Oh,that Cars toon you know the one about some over-marketed attention hoggin dimwitt doing something stupid with his best friend Lightning McSupposedtobethemaincharacter.Oh that Cars toon the one that includes two lifeless chicks instead of having the main female character from the original movie who happends to be very underrated!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :-\

Hey everybody!! Finally the weekend!! Five days for me. Thank the Lord :smiley: