Pixarteers Thread!

When I was writing that, I didn’t see that you replied. I’m on a cell phone not a computer.

I guess I will never know then Jessica. Becuase I honestly don’t know. I swear on my life I don’t.

You’re still just playing it off? :neutral_face: I’m giving you one last chance to apologize for the things you did. If you are going to post what you really did, DM me on Twitter. Don’t post it here because I don’t think that it’s right for this site to see those words. Don’t just say you’re sorry. Write what you’re sorry for if you mean it.

If you don’t say the actual things that you did and be honest with me, then this is never happening again.

im guessing since you didnt reply that wasnt it. Well then goodbye Jessica. I appologize for whatever I did. Bye. :frowning:

Oh wow. I was so busy for a few weeks, and I really missed coming to Pixar Planet. I especially missed this thread…and then I come back to fighting? :cry: I hate seeing my friends fight. I hope you guys can work it out.

Anyways, I missed you guys…how has school been?

Fighting…wow. Lets just calm down now.

I have a funny story that involves Wall-e. Well, it’s funny depending on how well I tell it. :slight_smile: Anybody want to hear it?

Sure, I could use with some cheering up. I like your new signature by the way :smiley:

Thanks. :smiley:

Well. I will tell the story :smiley:

Ok, so we were in Comedy Sportz (It’s improv basically) and the people on stage had to make up a movie trailer for a movie that didn’t exist. That captain asked for suggestions on what movie we had most recently watched. I said Wall-E and some kid said Resident Evil. So He told them to make a trailer for Resident Wall-E.
It went something like this:

Kid as Wall-E: pantomimes opening a cupboard and removing a can
Manager of Apartments:“I kicking you out Wall-E!”
Wall-E: “But…You can’t… I’m a Resident!” (In a half sobbing voice)
Apartment Manager: “Well not anymore! Haha!” shoves Wall-E
Wall-e, while falling down: “NOOOOOOOO!!!” (He literally shouts this)
Annoncer: “Coming next november.”

Eh… If it wasn’t that funny, maybe it was better when you are there. shrug

8D Sounds like something one of my friends would say. Nice story Pizza Planet Truck! Hmm. I’m trying to think if I have any funnty stories…Oh I know! Today we had to do a presentation based off the reasearch we did about a philosopher. My friend’s group had Machiavelli, and for their skit, they did a modern rendition of his play “The Mandrake Root”. My one friend had to keep adjusting her fake moustache after every sentence, and honestly, the whole class just couldn’t stop laughing. You probably had to be there.

Anyway, I forgot how much I loved coming to Pixar Planet! I’ve been so busy these past couple weeks, between homework and covering my friend’s shifts at the doctors office where I work. Hopefully things will calm down for a while, so I can relax :slight_smile:

I sounds like it would have been hilarious Evil Genius 8D Arrgh. If only I was there. You work at a doctors office?
It’s so relaxing on Pixar Planet. I agree. :smiley:

Yeah, I work at a doctors office. It’s actually a pretty good job. The only downside is the fact that patients always seem to think it’s my fault the doctor is running late :frowning: One of the best things about working there is that two of my friends work there too. If one of us is away, or busy on a certain day, the others can cover for us. My one friend is in Disneyland right now, hence why I had so many shifts this week :confused:

I really dislike math right now…curse you numbers!

Oh my god it’s Danielle!!! :smiley: I missed you!!! Where have you been???

I have been super busy lately… This past week has been extremely stressful for me, I’m so glad the long weekend is almost here. My friend is coming back from her trip soon, so I won’t have to work double shifts anymore, and most of the projects we were assigned are done, so I can just relax this weekend :smiley: Hopefully I can catch up on my reading 8D

What’s your job? :astonished:

Evil Genius is back! Yay! By the way, I watched Doctor Horrible last night. It was awesome :smiley:

Right now I am trying to learn the Ponyo theme song on piano… it’s actually not too hard!

What’s that movie about? :slight_smile:

You play piano? That’s awesome! :smiley: I always love all of the musicians that are here.

Jessie, I work at a doctors office. I actually like my job, unlike most of my friends, so I’m pretty lucky I guess :smiley:

I’m glad you watched Dr. Horrible Leirin! It really needs more fans…Jessie, it’s basically about this evil genius who’s trying to get into the “Evil Leauge of Evil” while simultaneously trying to win over the girl of his dreams. The whole thing is on youtube, or, since you’re in the states, Hulu. Dr. Horrible is the guy in my avatar :-D) <3

Best of luck learning the song Leirin! I tried to learn guitar once. Didn’t work out so well :blush:

Hey baby! Hey Danielle and Leirin! :smiley:

Wow I haven’t been on in like a week! :frowning:

Sorry I left so Abruptly Evil Genius. I was leaving to go play a round of golf with my dad. :smiley:

Hey Pizza Planet Truck! :smiley:

Anyone know where Jonah is? I haven’t seen him in forever… Then again, it is pretty hypocritical of me to be wondering where he is when I’m never on myself.