Pixarteers Thread!

I’m ranting about school.

Really? Cuse i thought u where being sarcastic to me in a mean way.

That’s what a disagreeing rant about school is.

sorry im just kinda annoyed right now sorry jessie.

I don’t see anything to be sorry for. It’s opinion based. :open_mouth:

cuse i thought u were being a total… Well…

One word: Kicked

Anyone up?

You are kicked out.

Jessica, I know you are mad at me. And for what? Becuase I misunderstood you. I thought you where mad at me becuase I said I miss all the drama schwool had. I have said I am sorry. Yet you call me a liar, and said you thought I was your friend. If that wasn’t the case I wouldnt have talked to you back then I wouldn’t have stayed up so late I would have actually have been able to watch something fully. But, yeat since I misunderstood you, you curse me out and call me a liar. I don’t get it. Why would I talk to you or have anything to do with you if I didn’t wan’t to be your friend? I AM SORRY for misunderstanding you. I honestly am.

Do you honestly think after not even a day I’m going to just forgive you? You know exactly what I’m talking about so stop acting like you don’t.

i didnt say anything about forgiving.

Woah,woah, what is going on?! :astonished: :confused:


You saying sorry is asking for forgiveness of which I am so not giving you at any time soon. So yeah, you’re not a Pixarteer anymore and you’re not my friend anymore. End of discussion. You can say you’re sorry all you want, but you aren’t changing one thing. You bring up all that stuff from the past for what? To make me feel sorry? Not going to work this time. I’m not the only one who shares the same feelings either. I told you on Twitter to not speak to me and you had the nerve to, while I was sleeping, because you knew I wouldn’t reply until the next morning.

So until you apologize for what you really did instead of covering it up, there’s no more best friends thing going on here.

Okay Jessica. Fine. You wan’t me to leave you alone. FINE. I will be no longer a Pixarteer. Wow that hurts… NOT. So what. I was saying sorry to say that i’m sorry no where did I say what you assumed I called you. I misunderstood you. GOODBYE Jessica.

:-\ :| :~o Dang it, I come to pixarteers after a long day of school and homework to find nothing but negativity.

At least I’m not a coward like you who can’t even can’t even apologize for what he knows he did! Whatever though. You’re trying to make it seem like that was the only thing I’m mad at when you know that isn’t the only thing and you know very well that I’m not the only one who you should be apologizing to! But you can’t even admit it. :laughing: That’s hilarious!

Edit: I apologize for acting this way, Nick, but him and I have been arguing over things last night. Feel free to post about your day and what happened because you make it sound like something bad happened.

okay now im confuse what the hell did i do? Other person???

Whoa. :neutral_face: You’re really going to play it off like you don’t know? I thought you were better than that.

Goodbye Garrett.

sigh I’m not going to even ask…I don’t know what’s going on but I was kinda hoping for a hi at least… :frowning: