Pixarteers Thread!

bi-polar nuff said :frowning:


yeah she stopped all of a sudden. Oyh Ami is on!!! Yay.

:open_mouth: Yeah thatā€™s what bipolar does. It stops all of a sudden.



peers in Errrr hi! hides :blush:

pulls Ami back out no need to hide muffin <3

Aww itā€™s fine Ami. :slight_smile:

:blush: Iā€™m sorry too. I didnā€™t mean to come across as ignorant. I canā€™t really help it. Iā€™d read your fanfic, Iā€™d post more often, but given the situation Iā€™ve been in for the last 2 months, itā€™s kinda difficult. I PM Garrett a lot too. I canā€™t seem to be who I used to be around here anymore :cry: I hate my Dad :angry: Iā€™m so sorry :cry: I miss everything.

Thereā€™s nothing to be sorry about sweetie. :frowning: Itā€™s okay. Just focus on getting everything back to normal over there. I hope all goes well and I hope your okay. :frowning:

yeah so if anyone hate Ami not posting as much blame me for hogging her lol. <3

What happened since I was gone? Anything interesting? You guys post on the page a lot! I can barely keep up. :laughing:

um new chapter on Jessieā€™s storyā€¦ Hi PPT!!!

Garrett you should give us a chance at least once in a while. :confused:

Hey PPT! Yeah the only thing you missed was another new chapter. :slight_smile:

Wah-ha-ho! Sweet new avvie and sig Jessie. :smiley: My day was incredibly awesome.

Hey birthday boy! :smiley:

haha well If I did then id have lessā€¦ Lol kidding

Jess: Aww thanks :slight_smile: I feel better. But I donā€™t think trying to convince my parents about this place is a battle Iā€™ll win. They think Pixar is for kids. They call it babyish and want me to grow up. My siblings tease me like you wouldnā€™t believe. You should of heard the row my stepmum had at me a while back :shake: :cry: I went into a panic attack. I now Iā€™m going out with Garrett how in the world can I tell them about THAT?! :open_mouth: Dating someone online- risky really. But I know what heā€™s like and who he is. And I love and trust him.

Garrett: Shame on you! Lol I love you so much <3

PPT: Hi! :stuck_out_tongue:

For you guys sure, but not anymore in Rome, since it is now past midnight.

Ami. :frowning: I know how that feels. :frowning: I have a panic attack at least once a day. Itā€™s terrible. :frowning:

Nick, sorry about the time zone differences. :frowning: I did the same thing with Gabe. Heā€™s in Sydney. :laughing: