Pixarteers Thread!

hi Katie! :smiley:

Katieeeeee!!! :smiley: Hey!!! Thanks!

Hey everyone! Whatā€™s up???

Well we have a new head of the Pixarteers! That would be Konrad. :slight_smile:

We have a surprise for you guys! Well he sure surprised me! Weā€™ll tell you soon!

outside under the stars! Yay!

I wish I saw stars. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ooooh Iā€™m excited!!

I love stars. And outside. Itā€™s pretty cold though, isnā€™t it??

I could sleep outside right now. :stuck_out_tongue: I love the cold!

yep its chilly! Um Jessie isnt that painful? Lol :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: Not me!! Well, I like cold I guess, cause I can stay in bed longer and be all cozy. But not outside! That would be freezing :smiley:

i love the cold too. Just not when its raining.

Not painful for me! After a few minutes, you get numb and canā€™t feel anything! :laughing:

scary. My brother swore he could resist painā€¦ Ha proved him wrong. Lol

That sounds healthy, Jessie 8D jkjk

I loooooove rain. It could rain forever and I would love it. :smiley:

8D I hope you both know Iā€™m only kidding! But I do love the cold! :stuck_out_tongue:

I love the rain too, just not when Iā€™m in it!

Hahaha yeah I figured you were :smiley: I love sitting inside when thereā€™s a storm outside and being warm and watching the wind and everythingā€¦ :smiley:

Hey guys! Hey darling! :smiley: Howā€™s everyone?

Congrats to Konrad, by the way! Canā€™t wait for the surprise!

Wind is my favorite! Now wind I love being out in!!! :smiley:


Hey boo. :slight_smile:

Hey Jeff!!

Yay for lots of people being here!

I know right? Itā€™s about time!!! :smiley: We missed you all!