Pixarteers Thread!

hey Jeff! I love all seasons!!! Your kidding Jessie? Im glad. :slight_smile:

I do too!!! I love having them all where I live; I couldā€™nt imagine life without snow or without summer too. I love them all!

Blah I hate Spring and Summer. Actually, the beginning of Spring is alright, but as soon as it gets really warm I hate it.


Iā€™ve come to the conclusion that I should live in Antarctica. :slight_smile:

why Jessie?

I dislike heat. :open_mouth:

Aw, but you can go swimming in the heat!

ugh people posting to fast! Haha been a while since I said that. Yay swimming!!!

True, but in the Winter I could always go to an indoor pool for my swimming needs! :smiley:

I was just thinking that! Itā€™s ALIVE HERE! Finally!

Jeffā€™s Official Seasons List of Official-ness:

  1. Winter
  2. Summer
  3. Fall
  4. Spring

Well I guess I could say that the only thing I really like about Summer is the fact that there is new Pixar movies. :slight_smile:

Next Summer is going to be great. <3 Cars 2!!

I know!! Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m seeing it at midnight. My mom will drive me there one way or another :smiley:

haha ugh just cleaned baby bottles for my niece. :frowning: luckily they had cerial in them this time yuck.

I think Iā€™m going to have a state wide exam that day, but Iā€™m gonna see it after school opening day. My parents canā€™t be that cruel. :stuck_out_tongue: So theyā€™ll probably take me. I think I may be going with a friend.

gotta clean bbl sorry guys. :frowning:

Eew, baby bottles. Iā€™ve had to clean stuff before, too. No fun :frowning:

I think that itā€™s great how we all know what weā€™re gonna do that day already. :smiley: Itā€™s getting closer and closer though!! Itā€™s gonna be here before we know it

I know I canā€™t wait!!! I think Iā€™ll hyperventilate!

Jess, I want to see it with you! :astonished: I practice my teleportation powers everday so by the summer, itā€™ll be a piece of cake to get to NY! :stuck_out_tongue: But seriously I might just have to get my butt up there this summer. Donā€™t make me! :wink:

It still doesnā€™t seem real that itā€™s gonna happen. And Iā€™m so pumped that Michael Giachinnoā€™s doing the score! I love him :smiley:

okay okay one last thing before I cleanā€¦ Lol. Okay bbl guys! And yes I do want kids in the futureā€¦ Okay now im going.