Pixarteers Thread!

If you can make it here on the day Cars 2 comes out, I would totally ditch my friend for you. <3

I know! It’s like I’m in sixth grade all over again! I know that Michael did the score for Up, but honestly I had no idea who he was until they said he was doing the score for Cars 2. I only found out about the Up thing after I found about about the Cars 2 thing.

Oh sweet… Wow, I hope I’ll be able to take a lovely young lady to see Cars 2 with me! <3

She’ll come around! :slight_smile:

confused :smiley: :smiley:

But yeah, I like adored him for the Up score. And so now I’m just so excited!! He’s my favorite!!! Jeez I can’t believe it’s 8 months away… it feels less than that

To be honest I can’t really say how far away it feels for me. All I know is that it isn’t close enough. :frowning:

He did the most epic soundtrack for LOST. He should make Cars 2 have a strange LOST feeling. XD

Huh. That would be cool :smiley: I never watched Lost, but I heard it was amazing :smiley:

Yeah, it’s so awesome that Giacchino is doing Cars 2! He’s my favorite composer of the now! I can already imagine the complaints from my family because of the torment they have to suffer from listening to me singing whatever the Cars 2 theme will sound like because I’ll have it stuck in my head for weeks after watching it! :smiley:

Hahaha it’ll probably be the same around my house :smiley: I’ll convert them though! My brothers will love Cars 2 once I’m done with them :smiley:

And you’ll post a video of you playing it on your saxophone for meeeee. <3

Of course, baby! :slight_smile: I would do it now, but I don’t know how it goes. Maybe I can ask Mr. G to kindly leak me the melody! :stuck_out_tongue:

8D I’ll wait forever. :slight_smile:

Oooh I think I’m going to go watch a movie!! Well, On Demand, but whatever. A movie’s a movie :smiley:

Sweet! What movie?

You just got me in the mood to watch one too! :smiley:

The Secret of Kells. I’m curious 'cause it got nominated for Best Animted Feature. And it looks cool :smiley: Yay for Irish myths!

I’ve never heard of it. :astonished: Tell us if it’s good or not!

I will! It got a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, so I think it’ll be good :smiley:

Bye guys!! I think I’m gonna watch the movie now :smiley: Talk to you tomorrow

Bye! :slight_smile: Talk to you soon!!

and im back!