Pixarteers Thread!

Hey mopar5! What’s up? :smiley:

Hey Garrett!!

Whoa, are we like in sudden death mode or something? Because one minute, I couldn’t keep up with the post, and now it’s all slow and lethargic again.

EDIT: Lol, great timing, baby! We’re resurrected!

xDDDDDD You’re too funny hun! 8D

played the most horrible game ever online :open_mouth:


Yeah, usually all that online games are good for are wasting time and procrastination. Wait, that’s still true for all games in general! But we still love them! :stuck_out_tongue:

its called territory wars. And they had one of the cpu’s named Jessie :open_mouth: which was the last one standing. (went threw all my guys like butter) but what happemd was messed up you see I named some charachters after you guys. And you can probably tell what happend. :open_mouth: Evil Jessie! (cpu) anyways whats everyone up to?

LOL! Which game is it? :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S. Omigosh, just got an email from an old Korean friend. Ever had to send an email using Google Translate? :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe once fun isnt it?

It’s hilarious! Sometimes the conversion has errors and “Cheese burgers are good” come out as “You’re made out of cheese flavored burgers.”

Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. :smiley:


ah and here I thought I scared everyone with that game. Lol yeah really it never really comes out in clear english. Lol

Yeah… and for crying out loud, this is a Google product too!

walks off mumbling something about crummy software

haha! Oh man Planet Sheen! Lol

yeah come one google!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I love Planet Sheen!

Me too!!! Sheen was my favorite from Jimmy Nuetron. Its soooo funny!!! :smiley:

Ok guys, it looks like I’m going to have to go! See you guys next Saturday, with the most EPIC surprise you could ever think of. :smiley:

:laughing: I can’t wait until you guys find out!

See ya T.J.!

a whole week??? Lol see Ya Konrad! :slight_smile: