Pixarteers Thread!

Aw, see ya Konrad! I have to wait an entire week? It better be something epic! Like, a full scale model of the Statue of Liberty made of solid cheese. Or the rendered Cars 2 file! Haha, kidding, can’t wait! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes a whole week. :slight_smile: Well it has to do with the Pixarteers :stuck_out_tongue:

awww :frowning:

Yep :slight_smile:

:frowning: :cry: lol its killing me!!!

:smiling_imp: haha

one word: Meanie

hahaha! :stuck_out_tongue: ugh one week.

Garrett, it would be no fun finding out right now! You have to let the suspense build to enhance the surprise. It’s like aging a good cheese. Speaking of cheese, when is my statue going to be ready? :stuck_out_tongue:

oh that was yours? Sorry Tom and Jerry ate it. :stuck_out_tongue: mwahaha!

xD We’ll need a whole lot of cheese!

Or one powerful shrink ray! :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry I like my cheese where it is. On my food!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

gets out shock paddles Alright, let’s kick some life back into this thing! Clear! BZZT!

Talk, peoples! :stuck_out_tongue:

Never! You’ll never get a word outta me! Well except these.

NOO!!! It’s not working! Let’s get an IV drip in this thing! LIVE!!!

It’s ALIVE!!!

haha Dr. Jeff (haha thats my docters name!)

8D Seriously!? Cool!!! :smiley:

haha creepy huh? Lol

Lol, I actually have a group of friends from summer gym that call me “Dr. Ding”. (Don’t ask.) :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway, I kinda like it. It has a nice ring to it! So does Chef Jeff, which I’ve also been called before.