Pixarteers Thread!

Chef Jeff! 8D I love it! :laugh:


yawn Sorry, I’m like dead right now. I woke up soo early this morning for wind symphony. :neutral_face: Goodnight Garrett! Night Jess, love you! <3

night Jeff. Unlike you ill be up for hours. Lol

Night baby. :wink: Talk to you tomorrow. I love you too. <3

Garrett I’m gonna head in for the night too. Night! I may be up on my blog and I will be on Twitter until I fall all the way to sleep.


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know I love the weather outside. It’s cloud filled skies and a chance of right and cold. Anybody love this weather?

I adore this weather. I look forward to it during those horrible Summer months.

Me too! I only wish it snow in Ontario.

-pops in with a shark fin tied to her head-

Hey everybody! Look! I’m doing that thing I do where I lurk for an obscenely long amount of time and post only a little and then pop up out of nowhere to apologize for my inactivity! :smiley:

 yeah. What have I missed over the past who knows how long?

It doesn’t snow there or it hasn’t snowed there? :open_mouth:

Edit: Hey Arkie not much! :slight_smile:

omg not again!!! :cry: (my sis) anyways hey guys!

I live in Ontario, California. Only place that snows near here is Mt. Baldy.

lol Mt. Baldy :laughing:

I would think it would snow there all the time because you’re in Canada. :stuck_out_tongue: When I think of Canada, I think of snow.

I think of syrup.

Nah that’s Vermont really.

eh It’s becuase of there flag. The Maple Leaf- Maple syrup. Lol mmmm syrup. I want pancakes now :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously me too. :frowning: I haven’t had them in so long.

I know I want them so badly. :frowning: :cry: IHOP!!!