Pixarteers Thread!

Why would you even still have him…? You should have blocked him yesterday when that was happening.

one I didnt know he was following me and two I had totally forgotten about him. Hes gone now.

You told me yesterday you saw him following you. :open_mouth:

I did. But I told him to go and he did. Then came back as soon as I started talking about Star Trek. (hes a fan aswell)

Goodnight all going to be up late but i’ll be twitter. Night PP

See you on Twitter. For the record, I didn’t get an email notification.

Do you guys remember the surprise me and Konrad were telling you about? Here’s the time and date when you’ll be able to see it!

timeanddate.com/worldclock/f … c=0&p1=179

Sweet! :smiley: Hey Jessie took today relaxing a bit. I feel alot better :slight_smile: sorry bout before.

I hope you’re alright. :confused: You were tense yesterday.

Yeah really sorry bout that. :frowning: I’m feeling alot better today though. :slight_smile: Yeah i’m fine thanks. :slight_smile:

Hi guys how’s it going?Do any of you know how much it cost to get a tour at Pixar?Oh,and is Pixar near San Francisco?

Hey, I’m doing well. Sitting in class. :confused: I hate school.

As for your questions, I’m not sure. :frowning: Try looking it up on Google or Pixar’s site.

Ugh,I hate school too bullies,people who call you names,hormone challenged teenagers who make-out and nearly beep in front of you,I hate it too… :unamused:

yeah me dunno eithe :confused: Anyways Hi! Oh and if someone says something is hot… Beleave them.

:laughing: You’d hate me and my past boyfriends then. Of course my boyfriend lives in Ohio so I haven’t kissed him. :frowning: I want to though.
Hey, they may not see each other that much outside of school. I’m barely able to go out so of course I’d kiss in school. As for that other part though, I’ve never done public displays of affection that were that harsh. :open_mouth: Just kissing.
I bet if it were Lightning and Sally kissing in school you wouldn’t mind. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m sure they’re mature enough to not nearly “give each other the time” in public though. :laughing:
The other stuff you said though wasn’t what I meant by me hating school. :laugh: I meant the homework and classwork load I get is horrid.

I put up a new chapter of My Halloween special.

Just read it. Kinda sad.

Sad as in cryinf sad or sad as in pafetic?

Can I join? I’m not in high school YET, but I do appreciate Cars.

The rules say you have to be in high school.

It depends, when do you go to high school? Next year?

I may take that rule off. A lot of people who aren’t in high school wanted to join but couldn’t.

I go to high school the year after next. I would be going next year, but I got held back a grade.